Chapter 103: Newfound Will

Start from the beginning

I opened my eyes, greeted by the sight of the sun high above in the middle of the blue sky that was scarce of any clouds. I straightened my back before leaning forward and resting my elbows on my knees, my hands cupping my head.

Through the cracks of my fingers, I looked at my arms and legs, noticing that I had a few minor wounds scattered around. It wasn't bad and the chances of it getting infected were low- unless I rolled around in trash- so I didn't bother healing them.

I still felt tired, though not as bad as before, but my mind began thinking as to why all the events that happened a few hours prior... happened.

Why did Annie attack me like that? Why did she make it seem like she was really out to kill me? Was that some sort of brutal training? Or was she really trying to rip my head off? But then why didn't she do it?

As I was pondering my thoughts, I didn't notice the steps of a person approaching me. I nearly jumped in my seat as something grazed my shoulder.

I whipped around, relieved to Dr. Joy standing beside me with a cup of water in her hand. "Afternoon, (Y/N)."

I sighed, running a hand through my messy hair. "It's just you."

The doctor took the seat next to me, handing me the water. I took it gratefully and chugged it down at once.

"How are you feeling?"

I shrugged, glancing at the few scratches and half-healed bites. "Fine. My injuries are minor, it'll heal on its own--"

Dr. Joy interrupted me. "I meant, how are you feeling... mentally?"

My eyes widened and I stared in silence for a few seconds, before leaning back on my chair and crossinf my arms. "I just... I just want to know why she did it."

"....Do you hate Annie?" She asked me seriously, looking straight into my eyes.

I thought for a moment, contemplating my answer. I eventually decided and simply replied, "I want to know why."

Dr. Joy took her time in continuing. "She wasn't trying to kill you."

"Then what?"

By now, I had already guessed the answer. But I wanted to hear it for myself.

The doctor's answer was short and to the point. "Training."

I didn't know what to say. It really was just brutal training that I didn't even know was a training.

"Do you resent Annie?"

Once again, I had no answer.

"If it makes you feel better," Dr. Joy suddenly said, "it wasn't Annie's plan."

In my silence, I looked at her in confusion.

The doctor looked at dead in the eyes. "It was Levi's."

"Hah??" I exclaimed, my eyes nearly popping out of their sockets. "Levi??"

She nodded firmly.  I was baffled out of my mind. "Wha- wh- how??"

"Levi contacted Annie and I not too long ago and asked us for an update as to how you were doing."

"Doing.... as in my well-being?"

Dr. Joy slightly tilted her head, looking off to the side. "That, yes... and also, how far were you in the progress of learning how to transform."

I was speechless. "Of course, we told him you weren't that far yet. After hearing that, he gave us a suggestion. He told us the best way to train is to train as if your life was on the line. Make it seem like it was truly life or death."

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