3x5. Searching for you

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"What about Caleb?" Alex asks, as Julie falls into his lap. "Whose Caleb again?" Ray asks quietly. "The guy that took MY GHOST AWAY!" Julie screams, as Alex holds her gently, calming her down. "He'll be okay, we'll get him out of there, promise!" Ray says, after Reggie explained everything to him, even what happened just then. Thanks to the many years of watching his parents scream at each other, while his mom sobbed. "Do you three have any idea, where this idiot took him." Ray asks, as Alex and Reggie share a look. "Oh no!" Julie says, remembering the clock. Meanwhile, at the the ghost club. "Come on Lucas!" Caleb says opening a cell, revealing Luke handcuffed to the wall. "It's showtime!" Luke instantly grabs his guitar, dressed in a suit. Walking out to the stage behind Caleb, groaning in pain as the chains he's in sink into his skin. "I HATE YOU!" Luke says in his ear. "Don't they all?" Caleb asks, as he shows Luke the clock. "The more you fight me, the less time you have, and when that hour glass empties, you'll be bound to me for all eternity." Luke growls, as Caleb walks on stage. "Luke! Psst, it's Willie!" He turns in pain. "It's Julie!" Luke's face drops, as tears roll down his face, he didn't think he could cry anymore. "I know." He admits. "You've gotta help her." Luke pleads. "Help me." Willie nods as Luke yells, playing the guitar, and painfully walking on stage. "You got it guys!" Willie says to himself, going to Julie's house. "Guys!" Reggie and Alex turn to face him. "What's going on?" Ray asks. "Oh my friend Willie's here." Alex smiles at him. "Willie is Luke okay?!" Willie looks at her sorrowfully. "Well.... he's still alive." He says honestly, as Alex translates for Ray. "He's in the ghost club, performing right now, but I don't know where Caleb's entrapping him to." Willie says, and Julie slowly stands up. "Then we must find him." Julie says. "Where are we going?" Ray asks. "Trust us!" Willie says, as they flash into the club. "Whoa!" Carlos says, as Reggie stops him from falling on his butt. "Thanks man!" Reggie smiles. "Luke!" Julie shouts, he looks at her with tears. "So let me get this straight, these people are ghosts?" Ray asks, seeing Willie for the first time. Willie chuckles. "Yep!" Caleb sees the group on the balcony, specifically Julie. "What the hell!" He says flashing Luke to his cell, scratching his face on the way out. "Ow!" Luke growls, but smiles. "Hello William!" Caleb smirks. "Hello Caleb!" They all mock, Carlos giving Julie a high-five quietly. "If you're looking for Luke." The group's smirks disappear. "He's not here." He lies, and Willie shakes his head, biting his cheek, waving as Caleb walks away. "Let's go try to find that boy. Eggshells everyone, we are walking on eggshells!" He whispers, and everyone nods. "Follow me!" Willie says, walking to the back of the ballroom, Alex holds Willie and Julie's hands. "This place is scary!" Carlos whispers, looking around the dark room. "Wait a minute! We were trapped here for twenty five years?!" Alex asks quietly. "Oh wow!" Julie says in awe, as tears roll down her cheek again. "Hey look a door!" Carlos shouts quietly, pointing to a pitch black door, over in the corner. "Uh oh. That's the dungeon, it has like four different sections." Willie says, remembering his almost fate, Alex wraps his arms around him in a hug. "What are they?" Julie asks, as Alex and Reggie hold her hands. "Purgatory, Ice, Fire, and the fourth one, Hades damnation." Julie's heart leaps forward. "Oh my god!" She gasps. "HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE!" Luke screams, and Julie runs to the wall. "Luke!" She screams, as Ray covers her mouth. "No freaking way!" Willie shouts quietly. "He's trapped in the Entrapment room, all the way at the back of the dungeon." He says taking a deep breath. "SOMEONE MAKE THIS SONG STOP!" Luke yells, being taunted by his least favourite instrument, the recorder. "THIS PHYCHO RUINED GREEN DAY FOR ME, YOU SUCK!" Luke says, crying into his lap. "I got an idea, boys guard her, Ray and Carlos stay behind me." They nod as Ray and Willie, protect Carlos, and Reggie is behind Ray. "Got her?" Willie whispers. "Yes!" Reggie asks, as the six of them flash into the dungeon. "Since when did you get powers?!" Carlos asks Julie. "Luke is Julie's soulmate." Willie puts it simply. The boys hold on to Julie, walking through the dark tunnels. "Help me!" She hears, as Alex hugs her back. "Almost there!" Willie says, as they round the corner. "Hurry!" Julie says anxiously. Willie chuckles, and realizes it's not the right time, and clears his throat. "Only two more doors, till we reach the back." Willie assures. "Dang this place is huge!" Carlos says in awe. "Very." Ray says, trying not to sound worried for Julie's sake. "Up, I spot the door!" Willie says, looking at the red velveted door, with a magical electric fence guarding it from any "intruders." They then see the fence activate. "Uh oh, Caleb's coming, everybody hide!" Willie says and everyone squats down, along the wall, watching him. "How are we supposed to get in there, without burning ourselves?" Alex asks quietly. "There's a minute timer, after he leaves, before it locks again." Willie informs them, as they watch Caleb leave. They wait ten seconds before they run to the door. "HELP!" They all hear, as Julie twists the door open. Ray covers Carlos' eyes as they walk inside the room. "Luke!" Julie calls out softly. "Julie?" He asks. "Where are you bro?" Alex asks. "Right here." The six of them turn, and see him all bruised up and tied down to a chair. "Oh my god!" Julie says going to untie him. "Be careful these will burn you!" He shouts. "Uh team we don't have much time." Willie says.

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