3x2. Lost voice

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Luke taps Julie's shoulder. "Yeah?" He grabs a notepad and writes down something. "I lost my voice!" Julie's phone starts beeping off the hook. "Oh my god!!!" He writes, and she giggles, mirroring her screen to her computer, so that they could see what was going on. "Rhythm guitarist of the short lived 90's alternative rock band, Sunset Curve [1988 - 1995], reveals in a statement released to ABC News Los Angeles, that he wasn't the master behind his smash hits. The hits were written by his friend and former bandmate, Luke Patterson, frontman of Sunset Curve, who went missing with the remaining two members, after a bad case of LA's street dogs, although it is unclear why Trevor Wilson, real name Bobby, stole his friends' music, he wanted to reveal the real name, behind true artistry. When asked what had happened that night, this is what he said. "There were cops, EMTS, girls sobbing into our t-shirts, the whole thing was a mess. Then when we [ex girlfriend Rose, of Rose and the Pedal Pushers] couldn't find them, every paper said the same words: presumed dead." He recalls, clearing his throat. "Why did you steal the songs then?" He then rubs his thighs. "Jealousy, I had everything, except his gift of writing great music, hell I am just a subpar guitarist from Silver Lake, in all honesty! This has been Rebecca Baker, reporting for ABC News Los Angeles." Julie reads out loud, shock plastered all over her face. "That pig!" Luke writes, smiling at Julie's disgusted face. "Agreed! Ewww!" Julie says, putting her phone back on the table. "Um, what're we gonna do about rehearsal?" Luke asks. She thinks for a minute. "Tea?" He smiles, as she gets up off the couch. "All the things?" She asks, and he nods. Then he goes on the computer, reading some more articles, and what he reads infuriates him. He sighs, realizing he can't scream. "What's going on?" Julie says, coming back with two cups of tea. "Read this please." She looks at the screen. "Trevor Wilson will not share any of his earnings with the families of his former band mates, for this reason: their parents are greedy and selfish! They wouldn't leave me well enough alone!" Julie is taken aback. "Alright dirtbag, let's dance!" She says, storming out of the den. "You forgot me!" Luke shouts weakly. "Right, sorry legend." He puts his cup down, grabbing her hand, and poofs to Bobby's very expensive house. "He's going to regret everything he's ever done to us!" Luke's anger is now clearly evident, even though he sounded like a squealing mouse. "Yes he most definitely is!" Julie says as Luke bangs on the door. "Yes, dad your friend is here!" Carrie shouts. Luke gently pushes past her. "Oh hey there Lucas. We've been expecting you two." Bobby says walking down stairs to them. "We?" Julie asks, as Caleb enters the room. "You little piece of crap!" Julie yells. "Now it all makes sense, you were Caleb's little henchman all along, weren't you?!" Luke screams surprisingly well. "After that one show, it must've been really easy for you to take his offer right?" Luke says referring to their earlier visit. "Like stealing money from a safe." Bobby says knowing what Luke did one night, while Bobby and his family were away for the weekend. "So you think stealing MY SONGS, is equivalent to me stealing fifty bucks, that might I mention I payed back in full, to buy a damn meal for?" Luke's eyes narrow on the two men. "It was so easy too, you were a wanna be Kurt Cobain, with no name to the words on the paper." Bobby says laughing. "You see I met your friend here, one night after a show in Pasadena, I gave him everything he wished for, all he had to do was lead you to that filthy man selling your beloved street dogs." Caleb admits. "What the hell?!" Reggie and Alex asks behind their friends. "Figured you guys would need backup." Alex whispers to them, keeping his eyes locked forward. "Oh well isn't this a nice little reunion, how stupid do you think we are?" Caleb asks sarcastically. "Idiots." Bobby laughs. "Putting them in that void, was the simplest thing ever." Caleb says to Bobby, ignoring the band of friends in front of them. "Rose was the easiest to riddle with disease." They smile, laughing and Luke gently pushes Julie to the boys. "What did you say about my best friend's mom?" He asked, clearing his throat. "You heard me!" Caleb snickers, as Luke's eyes darkened with fury. "Oh did I just bring your future mother in law into this?" Luke grabs Caleb, and punches him senseless as Caleb tries to possess him, but that's not working. "GET OUT!" Luke says banishing him, with his friends help, to the depths of hell. "As for you Robert." Julie picks up one of Luke's guitars. Then finds a Grammy for a crappy song he wrote and smashes every plaque that had Luke's guitars in them. Taking the rest of Luke's plaque's with them. "Never mess with my friends ever again, oh and Carrie?" Carrie walks in. "Clean this mess up!" She says as they  go home. "That was amazing!" Alex says laughing, helping put things back in their rightful home. "Yeah, Julie I'm sorry about your mom." Reggie says, dusting everything off. "It's ok, she helped us out, because she knows what's best." Julie sighs. "Your mom is one cool lady!" Alex says, and they all nod. "I'm just glad after all that, we've finally got our voices back." Luke says, setting up the piano for rehearsal. "You deserve it, all of you guys!" Julie says hugging all of them. "Let's play some music!" Alex says walking to his drum kit. "Let's play a SUNSET song!" Julie says. "Which one?" Luke asks, fixing his pedal board, so it can stop putting reverb, on every single strum. "Hmmm, how about In Your Starlight?" Luke smiles, as rehearsal begins.

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