Ch18 Wish

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Note- you might REALLY WANNA watched this ^


You and Jotaro got back to the house pretty quick! There was a bouncy castle on your front yard, when Jotaro parked the car you could see Jolyne, Josuke and Okuyasu jumping around in there.

Koichi and Yukako sat on the grass simply talking and waved to you and Jotaro as you got out of the car.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look at was big brother Josuke and big brother Okuyasu can do!" Jolyne laughed, she laid down in the middle of the bouncy castle and both boys jumped, when they landed Jolyne was launched up in the air!

"UWAH!! O-oh!" You heart beat pounded out your chest....

"Isn't that awesome Mommy?!" Jolyne cheered,

"Y-yeah! J-just please be careful boys!" You look up at Josuke and Okuyasu, they give you a quick nod and get back to playing.

You walked into the house with Jotaro following behind. Tomoko decorated the house well! She must've had Koichi and Yukako decorate while we were at the aquarium.

"Hey! We're here Tomoko!" You wave, she was setting up the last platter of food, she turned and smiled.

"Oh! (Y/N)! Jotaro! Great to see you made it back ok!" She stepped away from the kitchen counter.

"Thank you again for helping out so much with this party Tomoko!" You gave her a hug, she hugged you back.

"Ah don't mention it! Any thing for fam- for you dear~" she pat your back.

"Should I call the kids inside to eat now?" Jotaro asked,

"Yes!" Tomoko let you out of the hug and clapped her hands.

Jotaro walked out to the door and called for them to come inside.

Jolyne and her "big brothers" came in a bit sweaty for playing.

"Ah- ah- ah! You three better go wash your hands and face first!" You laughed, and they rushed to the bathroom.

Koichi and Yukako washed their hands in the kitchen sink and started serving themselves.

Tomoko and Jotaro started to serve themselves as well,

"(Y/N) aren't you hungry?" Jotaro asked,

"Yeah! Come up here and get some food!" Tomoko smiled,

"I will! I will! But I gotta help Jolyne get her food first!" You smile, they nod and continue putting food on their plate.

Then you see the three goof-balls stumble down the hallway, they lined up in front of you and held their hands out to you.

You examined each....

"Hmmm.....mhmmm.....aaaaalright! Go ahead and go get your food!" You said, they jumped over to the counter, you stood with Jolyne and put whatever food she wanted on the plate, you snuck in some veggies here and there. You served your own plate after giving Jolyne hers.

The kids sat at a table Jotaro brought out earlier and the grown ups sat at the dinner table.

"8 already..." you sigh,

"Hey- isn't that my line?" Jotaro smirked,

"Haha well sure! But- I don't know...she just, I'm happy." You smile,

"Oooo someone's got Mommy fever! Ahh~ I know that all too well!" Tomoko teased

"Don't tease me Tomoooo!" You whined,

"Oh! You know Jolyne really loves you- she talked about you the whooole car ride home." Tomoko laughed.

"Glad to know my hard work paid off!" You smiled proudly.

You look at Jotaro, he smiled as he was watching the kids. You turn to look at them as well.

Jolyne was tossing some grapes up and watched Josuke catch it in his mouth.

It made you smile and giggle.

*Mini Time Skip brought to you by Okuyasu falling out his chair trying to catch a grape*

It's Cake time.

"Alright! Who's ready for some cake?!" You stand up and clap.

Josuke caught the grape Jolyne threw just as you clapped.

The looks on their face, each of them had stars shining in their eyes, it made your heart melt.

Jotaro took the cake from the freezer and set it on the counter.

"Huh? Why was in the the freezer? Aren't cakes supposed to be warm?" Jolyne asked, suddenly Josuke became very serious....he crouched down to Jolyne and grabbed her shoulders

"Jolyne...if the cake was in the can only mean one thing...." his face was intense even Okuyasu leaned in to hear this.

"IT MEANS ITS AN ICE CREAM CAAAAKE!!!" He smiled and the three of them squealed happily!

~Tomoko's POV~

(Y/N) picked up Jolyne as Jotaro started to light the candles, I picked up my camera and started recording~

"Ok! 3...2..1! Happy Birthday to you~" I started us off, as the others sang I whispered from behind the camera...quiet enough for just the camera to hear...

"(Y/N) my dear, you don't know it yet but you'll be part of this family soon. You're an odd one...bizarre even...I think you'll fit right in~"

Jolyne shut her eyes tight and made her wish. (Y/N) leaned forward and Jolyne blew out the candles.

"Yaaaay!" We all clapped, I turned the camera to (Y/N) aww the poor thing was crying.

"I'm so h-happy" she laughed with her tears, in all my years of knowing her...I've never seen her this happy.

Jotaro gave both of his girls a hug, he held them close and tight.

Josuke and Okuyasu were drooling over the cake while Koichi and Yukako had to hold them back from eating it all down.

"Let's get that cake cut now shall we?!" I called out and set down the camera.

~Normal POV~

Everyone got a slice of cake mostly unscathed,
Josuke told Okuyasu to take a bite of the corner of his slice for good luck and Josuke slammed Okuyasu's face into the cake.

Okuyasu got another slice of cake don't worry~

~Jotaro's POV~

My heart felt warm...I held the small box in my pocket and in this moment everything felt right.

She put in so much work...she's done so much for Jolyne and myself.

I'm done doubting it

There's no question anymore...I am in love with her.

Ethereal Connection (Jotaro Kujo X ChubbyReader)Where stories live. Discover now