Ch4 Desire

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Ding Ding Ding

"Hello! Welcome!" You say as Josuke walked in,

"Pssttt do you...have the good stuff?" Josuke leaned over the counter,

"Sure I do, did you make sure you weren't followed?" You play along,

"Well, there is one person but don't worry about him..." Josuke said, referring to Jotaro who just walked in.

"Oh I see, ya go kid..." you pull a bag out from under the counter, Josuke checked the bag,

"Ahh! You really did get the good kind!" Josuke Cheered

"Ok...I've been seeing you two do this every few weeks, what the hell are you two doing?" Jotaro sounded frustrated,

"Oh! Well Josuke is embarrassed to buy the woman's hair spray, so he asks me to get it for him! He says the boys don't hold as well and the gel is too heavy for his taste." You explain.

"Well that's embarrassing...I wish you just said drugs..." Josuke said, you playfully punch him in the arm. Josuke leaves to go home.

"What's up Jotaro? Jolyne's not with you?" You ask coming out from behind the counter,

"No Tomoko said she wanted to spend time and umm 'doll her up' today." Jotaro said,

"Oh, so what'll you do today?" You tilt your head,

"Well, do you mind taking today off?" Jotaro leaned against a shelf, it was hot out today, he wasn't wearing his coat or hat, but he was wearing his long sleeve tight fit black shirt and his baggy white pants.

"Hmm...sure! What's the harm?" You say, you fixed the ends of the sun dress you wore and closed up shop for the day.

You walked along side Jotaro,

"So what's this all about?" You say,

"I figured that you could use a break, I know I've needed let's just relax." Jotaro said,

"Hmm I'm honored that you spend time with me when you want to relax!" You giggle,

"I've notice that you haven't gone out recently, the last time was when I interrupted and sat with you." Jotaro said,

"O-oh um, guess I just don't feel the need for it, you make me feel fine...AND JOLYNE AND JOSUKE OF COURSE!" You get flustered,

In all honesty, you haven't gone out because, you think you've fallen in love with Jotaro. He made you feel less alone so you didn't see the point of going out anymore. But you didn't want to ruin the friendship you have with him, you're sure Jolyne would be happy about it, but Jotaro...he is hard to read...

"Do you feel lonely still?" Jotaro asked

"Hmm? Well, I there are sometimes when I want something I can't have, but I'm happy." You say as Jotaro helps you down the path that led to the beach,

"You and I are more similar than I thought..." Jotaro looked at you with a small smile,

"Phhtt if you mean horn- Ahh!!!" You slip and fall into Jotaro, he caught you and held you,

"Oh my...that's embarrassing, I'm so sorry..." you look at Jotaro, your faces just inches apart,

"N-no don't apologize...for being right..." Jotaro spoke slowly, you both subconsciously leaned into one another, eyes slowly closing.

His lips were soft, you didn't dare to try French style. You combed through his hair with your fingers.


The sound of a camera when off, you turn and see the famous Mangaka Rohan Kishibi.

"Ahh! S-sorry!" You frantically say as Jotaro set you down,

"What is it Rohan?" Jotaro sounded upset,

"Just needed reference for my manga don't mind me~" he left you two alone,

You and Jotaro continued down to the beach,
No one was there.

"Did you really mean what you said?" You ask, blush rising to your cheeks,

"Yes." Jotaro said,

"Forgive me, I'm acting like a hormone ridden teen, very inappropriate I know..." you laugh,

"No it's alright, these urges cannot be helped, they're natural." Jotaro spoke calmly,

"But if you ever get those urges...I don't mind helping..."

"H-HUH?!" You wake up in your bed,

"Awwww it was a dream?" You sigh,

"Guess I should've known...I already had that interaction with Josuke last week..." you say confirming a memory.

Disappointed with your dream you get out of bed and get ready for the day.

It's been a few months since Jotaro and Jolyne became a normal part of your life, your desk even had a whole stack of drawings from Jolyne, some of them were butterflies, but most were of you and Jotaro, she's been getting better at's getting more and more recognizable as you and Jotaro.

You opened up shop for the day, Jotaro and Jolyne come in regularly, usually to hangout, keep you company. Sometimes Josuke and some of his friends stopped by too.

Looking at the they come.

Ding Ding Ding

"Prettyyyy!" Jolyne's voice called,

You ran from out behind the counter and opened your arms for her, she jumped in to you, you scooped her up and spun her around.

"JooooooJoooo!" You say as you held her up, you hold her and look to Jotaro, he was smiling, it took a long while to see him comfortably smiling around you, but it was a treasure each time.

Seeing Jotaro made you remember your dream, you got all choked up and set Jolyne down, you felt some blush rise to your cheeks.

"G-good morning Jotaro!" You try to shake off your awkwardness, he steps closer and gets real up in your face, your face got place your hands on his chest with the intention of pushing him away but the butterflies in your stomach from him being so close made your arms like jelly.

He used his fingers to gently brush some hair away from your face.

"Are you ok? You're're not sick are you?" Jotaro placed his hand on your forehead.

"I-I'm fine! It's just a little warm is all!!" You back up and try to fan your face to calm down.

"Hmm alright, if you say so..." Jotaro leaned back away from you, Jolyne tugged at his pant leg and looked as if she was trying to signal something to him.

"Hm? Oh! Right, Jolyne was wondering if you would like to go to the beach with us this weekend." Jotaro asked,

"'Us' meaning who?" You ponder,

"Well first, its rude to answer a question with a question (you make a little apologetic notion)- but it would be just you, Jolyne and myself, if you go. Josuke said he had something else planned with his mother and friends." Jotaro explained,

"Ah alright, sounds like fun! I'll bring some fresh cut fruits to eat alright?" You smile and see Jolyne happily jump around,

"Alright then we'll bring some water and ice cream." Jotaro nodded, Jolyne cheered and laughed, there was a hint of mischief in her voice, but you brushed it off.

The rest of the day went on as normal, a few costumers here and there, Jolyne got you to read a story to her making you do funny voices with it, and of course while Jolyne colored-You sat Jotaro down and let him talk to you about the local marine life.

It was nice but, as you listened to him talk, you watched his lips, you tried your best to keep your mind focused on what he was saying however the rising blush on your cheeks and racing heart beat in your chest made it much more difficult.

Ethereal Connection (Jotaro Kujo X ChubbyReader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt