Ch3 Late Night

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"I know it's inappropriate to ask, but Jolyne, how is see fairing with out her mom in the picture? When we were talking she was very...casual about it." You tried to keep pace with the giant walking next to you,

"Her mother wasn't really in the picture to begin with, she was disenchanted with the mother life rather quickly, Jolyne has been with me her whole life pretty much, though it would be best for her to gain a mother role. For the sake of her growth." Jotaro slowed down to let you keep pace better.

"Oh I see... I'm sure whoever you or she picks will be just fine~ I do wish to see Jolyne grow up into a fine young lady..." you smile,

"Thank you" Jotaro seemed to be thinking about something, you decided to stay quiet to let him think.

A breeze blew by you shuddered but shrug it off.

"Do you want to wear my coat?" Jotaro asked as he held it out to you,

"Hmm no thank you, I'm fine!" You nod, Jotaro sighed and took your hand into his, his sudden action made you blush, his hands were big and warm.

"Your hands are freezing...just wear my coat for the walk, we are almost there, I wouldn't hear the end of it if we showed up at Josuke's house with you shivering...he's very protective of you." Jotaro slipped his coat on you, you held the end of your coat in your hands to prevent it from dragging on the ground.

"Thank you, and ah yeah he's a good kid, I remember when he was younger I was maybe 17, he was about 7...he told me...and I quote! 'Ya know, if you weren't so old...I would've married you!' It was cute, but now I think of him more as a younger brother, and I'm sure he sees me as an older sister by now." You giggle from the memory,

"He told me something similar about you to me. You are quite attractive, I imagine you get that reaction a lot no?" Jotaro said,

"Hmm? Oh no no, thank you but, suppose the um chubby girl look isn't really in fashion for a girlfriend." You giggle a sad tone.

"Suppose if it makes you feel any better, I personally think having a little extra is good, a little more to love, but I figured that one out a little late of course." Jotaro said with a puff of visible breath in the cold night air,

"Oh hoh? Are you flirting with me Mister Jotaro~" you laugh,

"Yare yare daze...take it however you like" Jotaro brushed his hair away from his forehead, just as you two approached Josuke's door step,

"Wait wait, come here, your hair is bugging me..." you say, Jotaro complies and bends down eye level to you, you comb your fingers through his hair and fix it, his hair was soft you combed through a little extra and put your hands back at your sides as the door opened,

"Ah hello love birds~ shh, Jolyne is asleep, Josuke, bring her over!" Tomoko smiled, her words made you blush,

"Ah yeah- WAAH (Y/N)!! DONT LOOK AT ME!" Josuke yelped when he saw you, he held Jolyne out to Jotaro but kept his head behind the wall, guess he didn't want you to see him with his hair down.

Jotaro held Jolyne, Tomoko called a taxi for you two. As the Taxi pulled up, you took Jolyne from Jotaro's arms and got into the car first, holding Jolyne against your chest, Jotaro gave the driver directions.

When Jotaro sat down and looked at you holding Jolyne he paused and stared, but shook himself out of it,

"You can put her down on the seat, she'll be fine." Jotaro said, you placed her down carefully and clipped the seat belt over her.

It was a quiet ride until,

"Mommy...pretty" Jolyne mumbled in her sleep, she leaned against your arm and held your hand.

Ethereal Connection (Jotaro Kujo X ChubbyReader)Where stories live. Discover now