Ch2 Date Night

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How many times have you been in this situation before?

He didn't show up...You sigh and stare at your reflection in the wine glass.

~Jotaro's POV~

I was feeling rather hungry, I walked through the streets to see what restaurants were open, I see a nice little Italian place, for some reason I was drawn towards it, I looked in to one of the widows across the street, seemed like a full house, I was going to move on—then I saw her again.

It was just like Josuke said, she was dressed nice and sat at a table for two alone. I don't know what came over me at that moment.

~Normal POV~

Just as you where about to call for the check to pay for your wine, a man took a seat at your table.

You look at him with shock.

"Mis-mister K-Kujo?" You say baffled,

"You can drop the formalities, it's a little odd..."Jotaro took off his white coat and hat.

"W-what are you doing here?" You sort of whisper yell,

"The seat was open, so I took it. Simple as that." Jotaro said, something about this gesture made you want to cry.

"I apologize if Jolyne made you feel uncomfortable or gave you the wrong impression of me, I saw her drawing, 'pretty lady'.Figured joining you at dinner would work as a thank you." Jotaro let out a small smirk as he brushed some of his hair back with his hand.

"O-oh um that's ok, I know how kids can be hah!" You laugh, seeing him like this, he really is attractive.

"So what's good here to eat?" Jotaro looked through a menu,

"I—Um the pasta and steak dishes are my personal f-favorite!" You say, while flipping through your menu.

"Then I'll get the same as you, you seem like you know how to eat well..." Jotaro shut his menu,

"I don't know how to take that Jotaro, a compliment or insult?" You raise an eye brown a let out small giggle,

"Don't misunderstand me, I simply mean, you look healthy, not too big and not deathly skinny like a twig, just right." Jotaro spoke as he flagged down a waiter, his words made you blush,

"Thank you..." you felt a stupid smile creep on your face, the waiter took your drink and food orders.

"You look good, any special occasion?" Jotaro seemed to be quizzing you,

"Ah no, thought to treat myself to a night out!" You lie, Jotaro narrowed his gaze,

"You looked as if you were ready to leave before I sat down, I'm not keeping you am I?" Jotaro awaited your answer.

"Ah...well...I wasn't feeling too well, but having you here makes the table for two feel less...lonely." You give him a sad smile,

~Josuke's POV~

I was walking home after hanging out at Koichi's place. I saw the fancy Italian place was jam packed with people, I decided to look in as I walked by.

Old hag...old hag...old man...oooollllddd man....a and (Y/N)...WAIT WHAT?!

I doubled back and look again, I saw Jotaro sitting with (Y/N), she wasn't at a table for two alone... that makes me happy.

She looks happy...and Jotaro looks...happy? It's hard to read that guy...

I'll let them have fun, I'll tease 'em tomorrow.

With an extra spring in my step I headed home, determined to tell mom what I saw~

~Normal POV~

"Lonely? You don't have anyone waiting at home for you?" Jotaro asked,

" but, that's ok. I'm sure one day something will change...I look forward to it~" you give a smile to the future you,

The waiter came around and set down the plates of food for you and Jotaro.

The dinner went by fine, there was some small talk about how Jotaro liked it in Morioh and about how you and Josuke became friends.

At the end of the dinner Jotaro got up and let to use the restroom. Your inner voice screamed,


But you notice he left his coat and hat on the chair... he'll come back for them right?

You bit your lip and waited.

You hear a slight creak and the sound of a chair moving in.

"You alright?" Jotaro's voice called out to you and lifted your chin with his finger, you looked at him with big watery eyes and a smile, he looked back at you with surprise.

"Hehe yeah I'm fine, thank you." You say as he moves his hand back,

The waiter set down a complementary dessert of chocolate cake.

"Go ahead, you can have it, I don't have much of a sweet tooth at the moment..." Jotaro pushes the plate to you, to be honest you did want it, but you would feel embarrassed so you figured out a better idea.

"Excuse me waiter? May we get the check and a  to-go box for the cake please?" You say, the waiter nods and promptly sets down the check at your table, while he placed the cake into the box, you reach over to pay for the check, but Jotaro snatches it before you.

"H-huh? No it's ok I got it!" You say as you open your hand to take it back, Jotaro slides his card into the check and closes it,

"I got it." Jotaro said, you blinked a few times, this usually doesn't happen...

"Let's go half and half at least!" You say and place you card in the check.

~Jotaro's POV~

I let her place her card in, but just as the waiter picked up the check and started to walk off with it,

"Star Platinum, The World" I mutter under my breath, time stopped, I walked over took her card from the check and sat down,

"Time will resume..."

"What did you say?" She asked,

"I said here." I held out her card to her, she looked at me with astonishment,

"W-what? H-how did you?" She slowly took her card from my fingers,

"I snatched it before the waiter walked off." I said, she looked as if she was trying to figure out how I did it.

"You really are amazing Jotaro...hah" she smiled

~Normal POV~

The waiter came back, Jotaro signed the check.
He held his coat and hat on his arm, you took the box and walked out side.

"You have to pick Jolyne from Josuke's place right?" You ask looking up at the man,

"Yeah, but I'll take you home first..." Jotaro said, leaving no room for negotiation,

"Ah no no, I live near Grand Morioh Hotel! It's the opposite way, I'll be fine go on." You reassure him.

"Jolyne and I go that way, how about we both go pick up Jolyne and we'll take a taxi to the hotel, we'll make a stop at your house." Jotaro said again leaving no room for discussion.

So you two began walking together.

Ethereal Connection (Jotaro Kujo X ChubbyReader)Where stories live. Discover now