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What if we get lost?
Amidst these millions of people
Running wild, searching for peace
Burning ashes, polluting the air
Grieving for the ones to decease.

What if we're pried apart?
To different worlds without hope
Emotions are conquered by sadness
Twist and turns, path turns to maze
Wind gushing grip, losing the harness.

What if we start to forget?
Our growing bond, ungranted wishes
Memories we built, time spent in laughter
Sorrow we felt as soon as we lost touch
Promises to keep, forever and after.

What if we meet again?
I'll know that smile no matter what
The warmth it gave, captivating freedom
Those brown eyes, I'll fall for again
No denying my heart, with a faster rhythm.

What if we didn't walk away?
What if we didn't wait or delay?
What if you said what you wanted to say?
What if I stopped you and asked to stay?

What if we're given another chance?
Will you hold my hand and ask me to dance?

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