Chapter Two: The Rushing River

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Chapter Two: The Rushing River

Opal's P.O.V. 

I follow Shadow through the dark territory. Since we're Dark-types, we could see easily. I looked around in awe. Shadow seemed to know where he was going. But I had to stay close to not get lost. 

Shadow led me to a rushing river. Magikarps jumped in and out of it, constantly talking. There were too many for me to make out what it was. I smiled. Shadow dipped his head down and drank some water from it. I decided to do the same. 

It was cool and crisp in my mouth. Much better than the other water I'd had. Usually, I drank the water they brought back to the camp. By the time I got it, it was warm and not as good. At least in the summer. Now it was early spring. The water was better than ever at this time. 

Shadow looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back.

"Glad you came?" he asked. 

I nodded. "This place is amazing!" I said as I saw some Vivillans fly by. 

"HELP!" someone shouted. A female voice that was high pitched, but not squeaky high. Shadow and I instantly looked back at the river. A Riolu was clinging onto a log as it rushed down the river. She looked scared. 

The two of us looked at each other, then ran after her. She continued to scream for help. 

"Don't worry! We'll help you!" I called. I saw a somewhat thin but large chunk of wood. It looked hollow. Maybe we could float on that. I pushed it to the edge of the river and got on. Shadow noticed it, too.

"Get on!" he said to me. I nodded, then got on. He got on behind me and pushed us in.

Water splashed up, dotting my white fur coat. I put one hand in the freezing cold water and paddled after the Riolu. Shadow did the same. When I looked further up ahead, I saw a sight that terrified me. 

There was a small waterfall. Shortly after that was a bigger one. It led into the bigger river that led to Water Clan territory. I swallowed hard. "Go faster!" I instructed Shadow. We both started pushing the wood faster.

The Riolu looked ahead and saw the waterfall. She squealed, then closed her eyes and clung to the log tighter. As soon as I got close to her, I put my paw out. 

"Grab on!" I shouted over the rushing water. She opened one eye and looked at me. She seemed hesitant. "You'll have to trust me!" I said. 

Finally, she took one paw off and grabbed on. I pulled her onto our chunk of wood. But it was too late. We were only inches away from the small waterfall. All three of us screamed before rushing down. 

Water splashed up and soaked us. A freezing sensation rushed through me. We finally got down the small one, but it wasn't long before the big one. I squeaked, terrified and unsure. Shadow held his breath. The Riolu shuddered and hugged the board. 

I saw a big rock in the middle of the mini river. If I could get it to bump this, it might push my close enough to the shore to paddle my way to the edge. I only had one shot. I had to do this. 

I rapidly paddled to the rock. We were about to pass it. My heart began pounding. I felt hot even though I was freezing. But, at the last minute, it happened. There was a thunk, and we were pushed to the edge. 

I grinned, then paddled closer. "Jump!" Shadow shouted. The three of us jumped onto the shore. Just after we did that, the board fell off the large waterfall, and we lost sight of it. 

We all laid down in the grass, panting and still scared. Shadow stood up and shook himself, getting me and the Riolu more wet. I did the same. She tried to, but it wasn't as effective. 

Finally, she broke the silence. "T-Thanks for saving me." 

"No problem!" said Shadow, looking confident. "We have to tell that to the Pokemon in the clan, Opal! They'd think we're heroes!"

"No, Shadow! I don't want my dad or Karma knowing I left the camp!" I said. "You know I'm under age!"

"But how will we explain that we're wet?"

Shadow had a good point. Pokemon would start coming back to camp soon. They'd wonder why we weren't there. I swallowed hard, then looked at the Riolu. "Are you okay?"  I asked, trying to change the subject. 

She nodded.

"What's your name?" Shadow asked.

"My name is Mai."

"You seem quiet."

"Sorry. I'm really shy."

"It's fine." I said. Me and Shadow looked at each other. "We should probably get back to camp. But it was a pleasure meeting you!- Oh, and I'm Opal. This is Shadow."

"Thanks. You too." Said Mai. 

"Bye!" Shadow called. We both went farther up stream to find a way back to camp. I wasn't excited to hear what Ever had to say...

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