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"But hyung-"

"No buts. He will be okay. That's what important now. Think that later. Seungkwan safety more important than your guilty feeling now."

Seokmin's face fell but he just nodded.
After we got our order, we hurriedly went to the waiting room.

"Mom how it going?"

"Nothing. Its been 6 hours but they still inside there. I'm afaird semething may happen in there."

"Don't think something like that mom. It salty. Its bad."

"But I can't think nothing. I'm scared and felt nervous."

Mom shown me her hand. It really shaking like earthquake. I'm scared too but I don't want to show it. It will make me more weak and didn't trust them. I'm sure Seungkwan will be alright.

"He will be okay mom. Trust me. Seungkwan is strong boy. He will survive."

"I hope so."

Right aftet that the 'surgery light bop' ( IDK what it called but it right upper the door ) turned off. The glass door slide open and Mr. Jan come out. All of us stood up and went to him.

"Mr.Jan. How's Seungkwan?"

My mom asked. I looked over him. The nurses come out from the surgery room, running and went to one of the room before the surgery room. Mom suddenly panicked.

"Mr.Jan. Tell me. There something happen to my son?"

After I saw he smiled, I already knew the answer.

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230 words.

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