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Two weeks. For two weeks straight Seungkwan didn't woke up after losing his consciousness. We been more worried about him. What the doctor said to us made our heart break into million pieces and head spinning 360°.

"Doctor. Is my son gonna be okay?"

Seungkwan mom held the doctor hands and looked at him with million hope that Seungkwan will be alright and be a bright child again. But her hope break just like that when the doctor shook his head.

"I'm sorry ma'am but I'm sure he didn't told you anything about his condition right?"

"What wrong with him? Why his condition? Is he sicked?"

The doctor, Mr.Jan inhale and exhale. Like it will be really serious matter. I can see his face dropped when he about to said something.

"Your son. He-"

Looks like he didn't have any strength to told Mrs.Choi. I feel like the doctor really like Seungkwan 'cause I saw he about to cried.

"Seungkwan, Choi Seungkwan. Since last few years he been visiting my to get medicines. I suggest him to get surgery as soon as possible but he decline. He not going to do it. Because if he gonna through the surgery, he need sign from his mom and brother and it will only bring messed to his family. He didn't want his family worried about him."

"What are you talking about doc? I don't get it."

The doctor who stood beside Seungkwan crouch down to the side of the hospital bed. He hold Seungkwan hand and squeeze it softly. Once again the doctor let out long sighed and gave us really a heavy feeling.

"Seungkwan. He have brain cancer."

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282 words.

I'm Dying | Verkwan |Where stories live. Discover now