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"So we'll start the surgery now. It will be more complicated since the cancer already spread to other part of the brain. But don't worry I'll try my best to save Seungkwan."

"Thanks Mr.Jan. Please take care of our son."

"I will."

Just aftet that Mr. Jan went into the surgery room leaving us in the waiting room. Waiting Seungkwan's surgery to be done was scarier than I thought. Everything can be happen during the surgery. Praying over praying, I can't sit calm.

"Mom. I want to get something to eat and drink. Do you want something?"

My mom just shook her head. I feel sorry for my mom. She didn't get enough sleep waiting for Seungkwan to wake up. Its already a week now, and I hope the surgery will be success and bring back our Seungkwan. It will be a huge lost if they didn't make it.

"Someone come with me. We need something refreshing."

Seokmin the guilt buddy and Mingyu followed me to the canteen. We order some drink and rice with vegetables to fill our stomach. In this condition all of us will passed out before Seungkwan's surgery done if we didn't eat anything.

While waiting for the order to done and come, we sat on one of the bench bear to the counter.


I just hummed. I know it was Seokmin. He'd been felt guilt since he heard Seungkwan been admitted to hospital. He thought it was his fault.

"I felt really guilt over it. If I just wasn't there, Seungkwan still be alright."

"Well~ It wasn't yours. If you didn't come to Hansol that day, they will still quarrel. Saying he will be okay~ I don't think so."

"Yeah. I also don't think so. Since the canser already spread and he will passed out anytime."

Mingyu added after me. But Seokmin still have that guilt looked on his face.

"Relax buddy. Seungkwan wasn't mad at you but Hansol."


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330 words.

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