Chapter 13

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Where in some type of church with some creepy preist. He gives me the creeps, big time. Me and Carl are stiil 'dating'. I couldnt be happrier. He makes me happy and i dont need anything else. Im living and he is living. We still havent found Kyle or Beth. She was taken in a car. Thats all we know. 

" Have you ever wondered what its like to be a normal kid again? Like when we where younger? No walkers, no starving ourselfs, no Terminus people after us. Nothing just normal kids in a normal world. Where we grow up on our own and not forced to grow up. "

I look up at Carl after i finish saying that. Where cuddling on the church roof. Its been about a week. We know the Terminus people are after us. To be honest im scared. Scared something is going to happen and ruin the happiness i have right now. 

He says " I always think about that. But im happy we are not normal. "

I say " Why is that? "

He says " If the outbreak never happened and we where normal, i would have never met you. You would still have to deal with your father hurting you and i wouldnt be there to help you get through it. Thats why. "

I say " this world may be fucked up but im happy. The happiest i have ever been in my life. I have you to hold me when something is wrong, i have the family and friends that support me no matter what. I mean this life we have right now is the best life i have ever thought of. I just wish Kyle and Beth where here to complete it. "

I hear a scream. It sounds like a kid.

" Allicia no- "

I get up and climb down as fast as i can chasing the sounds i heard. I hear Carl behind me chasing me. I hear another scream, which pushes me faster. I look all around and see a body in a tree with 4 walkers surrounding it. 

I say " Hey! Fresh meat right here. Come on. "

The walkers turn around and head to me. I pull my knife out and stab one. Then another. As i stab the third one, the last one attacks causing me to fall. I quickly stab it and look at the body above the tree. 

I say " Come down. Come on. Im not going to hurt you. "

I see a body climb down and a face i know comes in. 

"Allicia? "

I smile and pull the boy into a hug. 

I say " I missed you Kyle. "

" Allicia! "

I turn to see Carl. 

I say " Seems like things are getting better. Come on Kyle. "

I motion him to follow us back to the church. I open the door for him and he walks in. I see Rick looking at me funny. 

I say " I found Kyle. This means all we need is Beth. Then the family is complete. Wait where's Daryl? "

Rick says " He uhmm he went with Carol. They went hunting. "

I say " This late? "

He says " Uhh yeah. They wanted to try and find some clues for Beth. They said they might be out a couple of days. "

I say " Oh. Uhmm okay. "

Carl says " You okay? "

I say " I just wish he would of said bye or something. "

Me and Daryl are really close. He is like a dad to me now. Its not like him to not say anything before he leaves. 

Rick says " He will be okay. And welcome back Kyle. "

Kyle nods and mumbles something. I feel hands lead me to the room. I sit on the floor and cuddle up to Carl and Kyle sits next to us. 

I say " What was it like for you out there? "

Kyle says " The normal. Lonley. Never saw a person. Almost died. How about you? "

I say " I was alone for a little bit. Then i found cArol,  Lizzie, Judith, Mika, and Tryesse. Lizzie Killed Mika. Carol killed Lizzie. Then we where at this house and Carol saved everybody else. Kinda weird. How about you Carl? "

He says " Well i was with my dad. We stayed in a house. I thought he died and almost shot him but turns out he wasnt dead just sore i guess. Then we found Michonne, we went out and found a bunch of people. Made it to Terminus. There Canibals. Then where here. "

I say " Sounds like we all went through a lot. "

Kyle says " Yeah. It does. "

I say " At least were all together again. Excluding Beth. "

He says " What happened to her? "

Carl says " She was taken. Thats all we know. "

Kyle says " Oh. They will find her. "

I say " I sure hope so. "

Kyle says " Whos the new people? "

I say " One of them is supposaly a scientist that knows the cure and needs to go to washington dc. Then the other two are getting him there. I think its a bunch of bull shit. "

Carl says " I dont know. Its complicated. I dont know what to think. "

I say " You dont have to agree with me. "

He says " Im not saying i am. But im also not saying i dont. "

Kyle says " So did i miss something between you two ? "

Carl says " You knew i liked her. So i asked her out the moment i got her back. Well i cant really take her out but you knwo what i mean. "

I say " Either way im still happy. "

Kyle says " Im happy for you guys. "

I say " Hey, you will find that girl soon dont worry. "

He nods and smiles. I soon fall asleep on Carl's chest. 

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