Chapter 19

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After i told Carl what i did to myself he has been closer to me than ever. He has been more passionate and loving. I dont know what it is but i kinda like it. 

Were currently walking, trying to find Beth. Shes the only one we havent found yet. Its kinda heartbreaking because i actually liked Beth. She was a really great girl. 

" Walkers! "

Not again. I sigh and pull my gun out and start shooting them down. I lock eyes with Carl and wink at him. I look back around and gasp. Some get closer to me and i cant stay anymore. I get forced into the woods and take off running. 


~Carl's Pov~ 

Allicia is gone. After we shot all the walkers down, we couldnt find her. Im terrified. She could be dead or suffering. I dont know what to do. Some part of me wants to go find her but another part of me knows to stay in a group. I know i have to stay. I cant leave my dad and sister behind. Its what Allicia would want. 

~Allicia's pov~

I keep running and running. I dont know where to go. I dont have any food. Im almost out of ammo. I dont know what im gonna do. I stop and let out a scream. I feel tears fall down my cheeks. Im screwed. I have nothing. 

" Are you okay? "

I look to where i heard the voice and see a boy a little older than me. I wipe my eyes and stand up.

I say " im fucked. "

He says " How so? "

I say " I was just with my group. Walkers came and i ran. I have nothing. No food, no place to go. Im almost out of ammo. I just dont know what to do. I have lost all hope. "

He says " You could always come with me. I have a camp a couple of miles that way. I was just heading there.  "

I say " Really? "

I wipe my face again and pick my gun up off the ground. I put it where it belongs on my side and look at the boy waiting for a answer. 

He says " Yeah if you want. "

I say " I would love to. It would mean a lot. "

He says " Come on follow me. "

We both start walking. 

I say " So whats your name? "

He says " Adam.  "

I say " Oh. Im Allicia. "

He says " I like that name. "

I say " Thanks. "


Once we get to the group i get accepted in. Its pretty much night time. We have a fire going and were talking. Everyone seems to be having fun. Its kinda to good to be true. I know it wont last.  I take my jacket off, cause im getting hot. 

" What the hell is that? "

One of the adults say. I look up at the girl. Shes more of a teen. 

I say " What? "

"  On your arm? "

I say " Self harm. "

" You need to leave now. "

I say " What? "

" NOW! "

She walks up to me and smacks me. Right across the cheek. I grab my cheek and hold it in pain.

" Go now! Your a attention seeking whore! "

I quickly stand up, grab my things and leave. i take off running into the direction of the train tracks. Maybe if i run fast enough ill be able to find the group. 

~Carls Pov~

The group follows a light from a fire. Thats where we are going and i know my hopes are up to high. Once we get to it everybody points weapons. Its just a little group. 

" You didnt have to do that to her! She was just a girl. "

I say " A girl? "

A boy says " Yeah. With little cuts on her arms. She thinks its a walker or something. "

I say " Who? Who? Was her name Allicia? "

He says " Yeah. You know her? "

I say " Shes my girlfriend. "

He says "Well Carl, i would take off running that way. I told her to stay on the train tracks. If your lucky you should get to her within the next few minutes. She just left. "

I nod and take off running in the direction he told me. the group is following me. I hear sobbing coming from up ahead. I know thats her. It has to be. I run up to her and wrap my arms around her. She screams and looks at me. 

She says " Oh my god. "

She hugs me and sqeezed me. 

~Allicia's pov~

How do i tell him what i did? Im not possitive its a good idea. 

He says " I missed you so much. "

This only makes me cry harder. I hug him tighter. Really fast, i push myself away from him and start throwing up.  Carl holds my hair up.  I lift up and wipe my mouth. 

Carl says " Are you okay? "

I say " yeah. I just um ate something that didnt agree. "

I lied and i feel terrible but he dont need to know what i did. 

He says " What happened? "

I say " When you guys where shooting a  lot where coming at me and i ran. I couldnt shoot anymore. They pushed me away from you guys. Im sorry. "

I pull him into a hug and see the rest of the group behind him. I smile and wave at them. I pull back from Carl and look him in the eyes. 

I say " I love you. Just know that. No matter what happens. "

He says " Nothings gonna happen. Dont worry. "

Little does he know, something already happened. 

Authors note: 

Im thinking of ending this because i never update anymore. I dont know i might keep going a little while longer. 

Broken (Carl Grimes)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang