Chapter 16

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I set Judith in the baby carrier thats on my waist. Carl follows behind me. We have no one. We got split from the group. After what happened im kinda scared. 

I open my eyes and see Carl shaking me. 

" Allicia!! Wake up we have to move now! "

I look around and see orange flames everywhere. 

I quickly get up and grab my bag. I see Judith and quickly grab her and take off running with Carl behind me.

" We told you, you would brun for this!" 

I hear people screaming and running. Once we get a good distance away from the burning church we stop. I look in my bag and see what we have to work with. 

2 cans of corn

4 cans of baby food. 

1 can of formula

3 bottles of water

1 baby bottle

5 guns

4 knifes

1 box of ammo.

We can live with this for now but we have to look for Judith some stuff.  

I turn to look at Carl with worry in my eyes.

I say " Where screwed, its night, we have no one, and a baby to take care of. "

He walks up to me and wraps his arms around me and Judith.

He says " Things will get better, we will live. "


That was almost a week ago. We havent found any sign of the group. To be honest im scared. There is no way all three of us will make it out alive. We have already had a couple of close calls. 

Right now where running through the woods from a couple of walkers. Judith started crying, attracting them. Im not to sure where im going but im leading the way and Carls right by my side. Im pretty happy that we got seperated from the group together. I didnt have to go through the pain i already have been through with him. 

I spot a house up ahead and point to it, while looking at him. He nods and we push ourselfs faster to get to it quicker. Once we get to it, i kick the door open  and Carl goes in with his gun pointed for walkers. I shut the door behind us, so the walkers cant get in. Carl searched through the house as i calm Judith down. Once i see him come back in the room he gives me a thumbs up. I jump when i hear beating on the door. There was only like 5 walkers behind us. 

I say " Take care of Judith ill go take care of them. "

I hand him Judith and go out the back door of the house. I raise my gun and knife and walk around the house to the front. I see 4 walkers beating on the door and one walking to the door. I quickly run and stab the walker that was heading to the door.

" Hey! "

The walkers turn to look at me. They all start walking to me i meet the leading walker half way and stab it.  I walk backwards pretty quickly and run and stab another one. I back up and repeat this prosses mutiple times until i get to the last one. I take a deep breath and stab it. I drag all the bodies into one big pile and stand infront of them. I scrunch op my nose at them smell of them. I turn around and take in my surroundings. Theres a couple of houses down the street, a few cars, and a walker. I go around the house and go back inside the back door.

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