Chap 74 - Match day

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A couple of days went by when Akasuki was last visited by Lev and So, since then she had spent her days sitting in her bed staring at the unopened present from Kenma wondering what wanted for herself on the inside. A loud click from downstairs alerted her to the unfamiliar movement. She slopped from the bed tiptoeing to the stairway, she had spent enough time in the house to know the exact time and place her family would be, even if it was a tad creepy, it had been useful. Glancing down, she noticed her father standing in the doorway of the front entrance, phone held up to his ear,
"Yes, no," he chuckled a sure smile on his face, who is he talking to, "no need to call me sir, what, no boss isn't much better," his body shifted, shaking his head in amusement, "I'm now leaving, yes, don't worry, I'll be there on time," be there on time?
He lowered his phone, suddenly looking up to catch Akasuki's eye, ah shit,
"you coming then?"
What? She stared at him in confusion, causing him to chuckle,
"I assumed if you were eavesdropping, you would be interested."
"I am interested," Akasuki murmured shifting to lean against the bannister, "where are you going?"
"You'll just have to tag along and see," he playfully suggested.
Really? She groaned at his child like behaviour, 
"dad, please can you just tell me?"
He lifted his hands as if being held at gun point,
"when did being fun become illegal?"
Being funny? She scoffed lightly,
"normally it'd only be a crime if you're, actually funny," she playfully stuck her tongue out.
He pretended to hold his heart shaking his head, he's literally a big kid, before brushing himself down and smiling,
"I'm going to Nekoma's final match day."
Nekoma's, final match day? Should she, no, can she,
He smiled at her lack of words,
"they'd really like that," would they?
A part of her truly hoped they would. She hastily gathered her things meeting her father in the car, clutching her bag to her chest. It's time to take this big step towards correcting her mistakes.
"I'm proud of you," her dad spoke eyes on the road, "doing this must've required a lot of courage."
Maybe, it was possibly stupidity or courage persuading her regretful body towards a change. 
"Did you open it yet?"
No, she shook her head, fingers loosening around the bag, maybe it was time. She carefully fished the present out laying it upon her lap.
"It's okay," her father claimed honestly, "if you need to cry or anything just let it happen."
"Dad," Akasuki murmured, even if there was a possibility of crying, she's exhausted from spending her days repeating the same thing over and over again.
Now was the time, she carefully slopped her finger under the wrapping paper pulling it up to tear through creating a hole from where she can pull the present free. Just, she took a shaky breath, take your time Akasuki. She pulled it out, a book resting upon her lap, huh? She glanced up to meet her father's curious gaze, she was just as curious. She carefully opened the book called 'the darkness that follows', upon the inner page of the cover were words. ‘To Akasuki, this is a thriller. I'm not sure if you'd like it. But I'm hoping for the right person, you'll try. I'm sorry, Kenma.’ Kenma. Sadness, guilt, excitement, gratitude, there were so many emotions flying through Akasuki, how was she supposed to feel? For the right person. He tried for her. And all she did was look at him like a weak kitten, when really, Kenma was perhaps a lion.
"We're here," her father stated.
Akasuki lifted her glancing around, already?
"They've started so we better be quick," he insisted hastily climbing out of the car.
Oh, Akasuki leapt out of the car slamming the door shut as she followed her father running towards the nearest entrance, her thoughts travelling faster. What was Kenma trying to do? His written words only make limited sense to her, she won't know his true thoughts until she could speak to him. Together the pair found their way to the stands, taking a seat nearest to the door. The match had begun. Her eyes were calmly watching the boys as they bounded around the court eager in their attempt to win. Watching the team brought a smile to Akasuki's face, memories of them flushing through her head, why did she let them slip away from her? Why did she ever let that guy control her? Why? When did she lose control of herself?

F̶o̶l̶l̶o̶w̶ Fuck the Rulebook - Kenma KozumeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang