Part 12

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2B and 9S just walking forward and looked around. Just like before they do. Doing nothing just trying to investigate the issues.

"2B, i'm kinda bored now. What are we gonna do for making us not bored?"said 9S. 2B just quiet. "Ok, now maybe we're going to the Amusement Park? In there will be fun, right?"asked 9S.

Still, 2B just quite. "Go to the.....Desert? Playing sand in there?"asked 9S. 2B kinda glanced at 9S. After that she's quite again.

"How about.....Forest Kingdom?"9S asked again. "I don't think that was a good idea to go, 9S. There are The Commander's, Jackass's, and Pascal's grave. I'm afraid that the creepy things happen to us."
answer 2B.

"Ah yeah, you are right. I'm almost forgot!"said 9S. "So... what it's your idea to go? Cause i'm so bored if we just go forward and looked around to find some clues!"said 9S.

2B did not answer. 9S knew that maybe 2B did not answer him because she wants to think too about where she and him to go to entertain them self.

Or maybe....she's just focused to the journey. That's why she's just quite when 9S asked something.

They just walked anywhere.  Like there's no idea where they are going to go...and to do.

"9S....."suddenly 2B opens her mouth. "Hmm? Yes, 2B?"asked 9S. Finally for him that 2B wants to asked or talk to him.

"You're not answered my question before."said 2B. "Huh? What question?"asked 9S. 9S kinda confused but he's happy because 2B wants to talk to him. Like....very opened to him.

"You forgot?"asked 2B back. "Hmm....yeah i guess...what question, 2B?"asked 9S. 2B sighed for a while.

"Do you want to be a human?"asked 2B.

That's a question that 2B asked to 9S when they still in Emil's house. 9S realized that he did not answered it yet. Not just because that question it's rare for him, but.......

It can be's a hard question for 9S.

9S just fall silent. He just get down. Looked at the ground. He didn't brave to saw 2B's face. (Ridiculous Yorha's android😂😂).

"I want to be like them."said 2B. 9S automatically shocked from what he heard. 2B it's the one who questioning him, but why that she's the one who answered her own question?

"They are good, brave, and tough. us, 9S!"said 2B. "They have their own activities. They could made it from their self."

"But we? We are......nothing. Just a Yorha member or android for do our mission. For....anybody's mission!"said 2B. "We are....just a things that just used for saving the world!"

"2...2B..."said 9S. "I...i don't want to be like this anymore! It's....weird and...ridiculous!"said her.

"I just want to be like them! To be a human!!"her anger it's rising up. And her tears it's slowly fell down. "2B, calm down!"said 9S.

The worst thing is, 2B took her sword and started to yelling. (She's just like a....crazy asylum guy!). She pointed her sword to her chest, wants to stabbed herself, with her trembling hands.

"2B! Don't do that!!"said 9S. "WHY?! WE ARE USELESS, 9S!! THERE'S NOTHING HERE AND.....WE CAN JUST KILL OURSELF!!"yelled her. "2B, but that was not-"he stopped.

2B's eyes now it's glowing red. Her eyes now sharped when she sees 9S. She's like wants to murder him.

"2....2B!!"said 9S. "The virus it's already spreading into your body?!" "Go away....9S...let me just....kill my self."said her. Her voice now it's kinda weak and so low.

"No!! I can't let you die just like that! You have to stay alive always!!"said 9S. "WHAT AGAIN ABOUT THAT WORDS, HUH?! I TOLD YOU ALREADY, 9S! WE.... ARE.... USELESS!!"yelled 2B.

9S trying to hacked 2B, but it cannot been hacked. So 2B still been swallowed by a virus. Still yelling. Uttered harsh words to 9S.

"I don't know what i do now, 2B. I want to stop that virus, but that thing was so strong. So maybe.....this will make you more well and happy than before....."said 9S in his heart.

He gave up and came closer to 2B. Do something that he didn't want it but it's already been forced.

What it's 9S doing to 2B for stopping that virus? Is he....really kill her?

To be continued......

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