Part 6

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They buried Pascal near to the Forest Kingdom. (As you guys know, there is a way to the Forest Kingdom or Castle from the Pascal's Village). After they buried Pascal, their tears never stop. 9S and Jackass is the one who crying very tears. But 2B just only silent. She's silent, means that she is sad too. But she didn't want to prove her tears to her partners. (She still nervous about her moment that she crying because of Devola's and Popola's death, and after that she got slapped by 9S).

"2B, we have to keep going!"say 9S while he grab 2B's left shoulder. 2B doesn't speak. She's just silent. "2B, are you ok?"asked 9S worry about his partner. "Ooh-i'm....i'm ok! Yes, we...have to keep going!"she answer. 9S just smile a little bit then he left 2B. "..........Argh! Why am i still thinking about that moment when 9S slapped me?!"asked herself in her heart. Directly she forget about that thing and focus to the journey.

"Hmm...this castle it's huge!"say Jackass while she looking at the castle. (Forest Kingdom's Castle). "Yep! This is very comfortable if this castle be my house!"say 9S. 2B and Jackass staring at 9S with their confused face. "Nah i mean....their house! Not my house! Sorry!"say 9S and he directly goes to the castle. Jackass now staring at 2B and 2B do the same like Jackass. "Your partner is very weird now! I think you should change the partner!"say Jackass whisper to 2B. 2B just chuckle a little bit. "No, he is a trusty and loyal partner. I'm already comfortable with him."answer 2B then she goes to the castle. "Whatever...."say Jackass. "Freaking Yorha androids!"

The castle it's pretty big for inside, not just for outside. 2B, 9S, and Jackass searching this and that for 1 hour can be say! "Hi, did you guys tired already?"asked 9S. "Yeah, i'm tired! How about you, 2B?"answer Jackass also she asking to 2B. 2B just nodding. Didn't know why she kinda quite after Pascal's death. Maybe because of his death or maybe because of her lost from Pascal.

When they taking a break, they just fall silent. No words came out from their mouth. Just only a bird chirping and the sound of wind. "So...what it's your mission by the way?"asked Jackass. "The Commander just said to us that the Earth it's getting worst. She's said that the enemies it's getting more tough. But...when we arrived to the Earth, there's nothing in here."answer 9S.
"Hmm...weird."say Jackass. "Yeah...i'm almost have a thinking....that..."2B stopped for a while. "Ah, no..nothing!" 9S and Jackass kinda confused, but they just ignored her.

"Kill her! Kill her! Don't be afraid!"say the one of the alien's androids. "Move forward! Don't give up!"say another one. "Just kill her, for the Forest King!"say one of them. "FOR THE FOREST KING!!!"say all of them. But suddenly, their pep talk it's stopped. Directly stopped. And after that the explode sound came out from them. They are die now.

It wasn't 2B, 9S, and Jackass who killed those androids. The 3 of them confused, extra confused.They still taking a break when the androids kill someone who want to kill them! Who is killing those androids? Another of the Yorha member?

To be continued.....

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