𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒄𝒌 𝒊𝒏 𝒂𝒏 𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒗𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓

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-you were with jack
-stupid bitch accidentally pressed the 'stop elevator' button
-you and finn said '😳'
-jack was freaking out
-"no we're not"
-finn tries calming him down
-"jack i need you to calm down"
-with jack panicking
-finn starts to panic
-"what if he's right"
-"not you too"
-having to calm BOTH of them down
-the firefighters come in like 30 minutes
-"is everything okay-"
-jack and finn run past them

-it's no surprise that he accidentally stopped the elevator
-"well shit"
-"oh my god"
-"we can have sex"
-staying there for like an hour
-"i'm bored"
-"we would've been at the movies"
-"but SOMEONE had to stop the elevator"
-"yea y/n"
-"why'd you do that for"
-"please shut the fuck up"
-works on his voices
-"you sound like a dying pig"
-eventually one of the security guards opens the doors
-"are you guys okay-"
-"richard tozier"
-"security guard mike"
-"just go"

-max thought it'd be funny to trap you and mike in the elevator
-so with el's help
-she manages to do it
-you start freaking out
-"what the fuck"
-"what the actually fuck"
-you look at mike
-"why are you looking at me"
-"who else am i supposed to fucking look at"
-no one even noticed that the elevator stopped working
-you almost tackled him because he wouldn't stop annoying you
-"mike so god help me i'll smack the ever living shit out of you"
-"i'd like to see you try"
-steve ended up finding out what max and el did
-"let them down"
-max doesn't want too
-steve gives her the 'mom glare'
-you and mike are leaning against the doors when it opened
-you fall on top of mike
-it was a very
-very intimate position
-steve fucking SCREAMS
-dustin is just dying on the floor next to him
-max and el are confused at first
-but then they started laughing
-then mike's mom shows up

-theo locks you in
-boris said '👁👄👁'
-"what is going on"
-"we're stuck in the elevator"
-"cause theo decided to be a little bitch"
-he shrugs and takes out a cigarette
-"you can't do that here"
-"why not"
-"there's smoke detectors"
-"the firefighters will come"
-this dumb bitch still doesn't get it
-"the cops will come"
-he looks disappointed
-"damn it"
-ends up putting his cigarette away
-theo eventually gets someone to open the elevator
-"fucking finally"

-he doesn't go out
-this is like a once in a life time opportunity
-and he ends up getting stuck in an elevator
-he's kinda scared
-because like
-what if he dies
-"what if we die"
-"we're mostly likely to die by an elevator than sharks"
-"you're making it worse"
-it doesn't last very long
-mostly because he's banging on the doors
-eventually someone opens the door
-"oh thank god"

-you accidentally stop the elevator
-"god damn it y/n"
-"i'm sorry"
-he doesn't really care
-he gets bored
-"i'm bored"
-"me too"
-"do you have food"
-"does it look like i have food"
-he ends up falling asleep
-"they opened the door"
-motherfucker RUNS out the door

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