johnny deep [f.w]

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"honestly, johnny deep could get it" y/n shrugged as she admired her magazine. her fingers quickly flipping through the pages. constantly gawking as she saw johnny. "amen" finn said as he ALSO flipped through the pages of his magazine. "aw, someone's blushing" y/n semi laughed as she saw how red finn's cheeks got. his once pale skin now a deep shade of red. "you know what-" he closed his magazine and stayed quiet. trying to come up with a comeback, "you're blushing too" he huffed as he crossed his arms.

"i don't blush" y/n rolled her eyes as she continued on flipping through the pages. "yea, i knew that" finn scoffed. he was embarrassed by the fact that he forgot that his own GIRLFRIEND couldn't blush, "i like your hair" he quickly changed the topic as he admired her hair. "really" y/n closed her magazine and smiled at finn. "yea, i've always like your afro" he smiled as he saw how her hair complemented her. "as you should" y/n smiled. but soon stopped as she saw how offended finn got, "kidding kidding, thank you" she lightly smacked his shoulder as she picked up her magazine to admire johnny deep again.

"what's with you and johnny deep" finn asked as he stood next to her. looking at the pictures of johnny deep with sunglasses on. "don't act like your dumbass didn't just say that he could get it" y/n rolled her eyes as she flipped the pages. she soon stopped as she saw a picture johnny deep with his head down, "can you fucking BELIEVE that amber has the fucking AUDACITY to just LIE" y/n rolled her eyes as she quickly flipped the page so she wouldn't get even MORE angry.

"celebrities are fucking pricks man" finn sighed. he KNEW how bad the celebrity world was. "i hope she gets fired as an actress" y/n sighed. her heart a little bit more sad as she remembered all the things that amber accused johnny off.

"the world would be better off without her" finn agreed.

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