the end [r.t]

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"go away henry" little y/n said as she stood in front of her best friend. his glasses knocked down on the floor as he tried to stop his bleeding nose. "move out of the way" little henry demanded as he stepped closer to the girl. victor was on his right and belch was on his left. patrick was behind him. "no, if you hurt him again. i'll tell your dad. and we both know what he'd do to you" y/n said as she put her hands out to block victor and belch. as soon as y/n mentioned henry's dad. he immediately backed away.

"you didn't have to do that you know" little richie said as he put his glasses on just in time to see henry, victor, belch and patrick run away. his shirt had drops of blood on it. and his hands, well his hands have seen better days. "here" little y/n said as she gave him a napkin that she kept in her pants. giving him about three more before she handed him some of her left over water, "i know i didn't have to do that. but. you ARE my best friend. and i know that you'd do the same for me" she said with a smile on her face as she saw richie give her a thumbs up as he drank her water.

"how old are you again" y/n asked as she put her head on richie's shoulder. "we just had my birthday party y/n" richie chuckled as he took a sip of his water. "so" y/n sassed back as she took the water from his hands and started drinking it. "i'm 8 y/n" he said as he pushed his glasses up and "glared" at her. "wow, you're so old" y/n joked as she stared out the window. "i let you sleep over and this is the thanks i get" he sounded offended as he crossed his arms and pouted. "you would've wanted me here regardless richie" y/n giggled as she blew a piece of her hair out of her way. "yea yea" richie dismissed her statement as he went under the covers and tried to sleep.

"are you ready" richie said as he took y/n's hand. the both of them along with the rest of the losers were jumping off the cliff. needless to say. richie was pretty fucking scared. "man, if you don't hurry the fuck up" y/n said as she ran to the edge. taking richie with her. you could practically see richie's soul spill out of his body. "YOU MOTHERFUCKER" he said as they resurfaced the surface. richie's glasses were in his hands as he splashed some of the water onto her. "CALL ME A MOTHERFUCKER ONE MORE TIME AND I WILL FUCK YOUR MOTHER" y/n snapped back as she tackled richie into the water.

"clowns richie, you're afraid of clowns" y/n laughed as she put her legs on richie's lap. taking a sip of her water as he spoke. "yea, yea, and what's your dumbass afraid of" richie said as he pinched her leg. earning a squeak and slap from her. "spiders you asshole" y/n said as she gulped her water and rolled her eyes at him.

"oh you've got to be fucking kidding me" y/n huffed in anger as she couldn't open the door, "why'd i let these little white boys drag me into a goddamn motherfucking crackhead house" she thought as she turned around. mentally preparing herself to tear those dumbass boys up after she gets out.

"oh hell no" y/n said as she saw a spiders body in the corner. she slowly backed away and tried not to make any noise. but then the floor wood creaked, "so close" she thought as she saw the spider turn around.

"YOU AREN'T FUCKING REAL YOU SHIT HEAD" y/n yelled as the spider ran towards her. she threw a chair at him and ran to the other side, "YOU CAN SUCK MY DICK" she yelled once more as the spider ran towards her again. this time she threw a beer bottle at it and DASHED to the door.

"i hate it here" y/n said as she closed the door.

"got who" me and richie asked as bill stood in front of us. "i-it. it t-took buh-beverly" bill repeated once more as he looked at us in the eyes. "say you're joking bill" y/n said. she didn't want to believe it. she refused to believe it. "it's true" bill said. "let's go" richie said as he moved from the game and went to the door.

"if i get a fucking infection bill" y/n reprimanded as she swat her hand away. the blood dripping down her hand onto the floor and bill gave her a reassuring smile that she wouldn't get infected. "look, we're matching" richie said as he held out his hand.

"what do you mean that you almost got suspended" y/n asked as she put a bandaid on richie's knee. "well, bowers was being a bitch and bill was with me. so we, you know" richie said as he scratched the back of his neck. he hoped that y/n wouldn't ask anymore questions. but at last. he was wrong. "so you decided that jumping him would be a good idea" y/n reprimanded as she crossed her arms and gave him her "death glare". "well when you put it like that, it makes us seem like assholes" he said as he mimicked y/n's movements. pushing his glasses up a little bit. "jesus christ richard" y/n said as she threw her hands up and walked out of the door.

"go to prom with me" richie asked as he inhaled the smoke. the room reeked of weed and perfume. "you're not fucking with me" y/n said as she took a sip of her water and placed it on the ground. adjusting the bean bag she was sitting on. "nope" he answered as he passed y/n the joint. "sure then, i'll go to prom with you" y/n smiled as she gladly accepted the joint and took a hit of it.

"i can't believe you guys are married" beverly squealed as she jumped up a down. holding onto her friends arm as she tried to calm herself down. "and all it took was a drunk richie trying to find his ring" bill cut in as he gave richie a pat on the back. "thanks for helping me find it big bill" richie's voice laced with sarcasm as he gave bill his million dollar smile.

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