C2 - Introductions

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Akasuki slid out of her chair shoving her books into her bag, excitement running through her body as thoughts of meeting the team spiralled through her mind. She couldn’t help but become giddy at the thought these boys might possibly welcome her into their team. She made her way through the corridors down the stairs towards the boy’s gym. But she knew the chances of being accepted were slim, yet she still felt a flicker hope. She neared the wide doors with a clear view of everything inside, sounds of shoes running across the wooden floor, voices yelling instructions with repetitive thuds following. It kinda sounded like they were having fun. She moved up to the door carefully stepping inside, her eyes scanning over the hall. Wow, it’s roomier than she thought it would be, her gaze running over the woven nets and marked courts. Moving her attention to each of the boys in their own world of games. It looks intense, Tetsuro, if she remembered correctly, must be a serious captain. Oh, she noticed one of the boys from earlier, Morisuke, raising his hand at her, he actually noticed her. She returned a small wave as he returned to his practice. It looked tiresome; she couldn’t imagine herself in that position. A shorter figure around average height stood outside the court reluctantly throwing balls to Tetsuro. Hm, he doesn’t really seem overly interested, Akasuki was surprised that practically everyone but this one boy was having fun.
“Oh, hey look,” Tetsuro’s voice erupted drawing Akasuki’s attention to him as he rolled his shoulders back watching her, “it’s the woman of the hour.”
Woman? Immediately, every single pair of eyes turned to stare at her, her cheeks growing pink at the sudden callout. He’s ridiculous, does he not take into consideration the way that might make her feel? Tetsuro strode towards her, lightly slapping the shoulder of the boy who was throwing the balls in for him, his lips moving as he spoke, continuing to move over to her. Strange. The boy didn’t follow, instead he moved to one of the benches rummaging through a bag pulling out some sort of portable gaming device. Seriously? She had to admit, she was a tad bit disappointed that the boy was interested in her presence. Tetsuro joined her side along with the rest of the boys, placing his hands on his hips,
“so, you actually came.”
Why does he make it sound like she wasn’t going to? She nodded glancing to the floor, avoiding the eyes belonging to the curious audience.
“What he means,” Morisuke spoke rolling his eyes, “is we’re glad you came, Akasuki.”
Least this guy was nice to her. She smiled slightly at him raising her gaze to meet his. There was a sudden eruption, the screeching of shoes skidding across the floor, two faces appearing behind Tetsuro, one eagerly grinning at her while the other was growing red in the cheeks. She didn’t realise they were that desperate for someone to be their manager. Morisuke gestured to the boy with the large grin and a rather lanky appearance,
“this is So,” he then gestured to the boy with red cheeks against his tanned skin, with a brown buzz cut with a blond mohawk accompanied by his severe gaze and muscular body, “this is Taketora.”
So and Taketora? It might take a while for her to remember these names but she’ll try. Wait, a while? What is she thinking? That’s only if she gets accepted. She nodded in acknowledgement encouraging So to push past Tetsuro holding out his hand. She hesitantly took it, this felt weird to her, no one has ever been this happy to meet her.
“I can’t believe they actually found someone! It’s not like I doubted them from the start but I can’t believe my eyes ” So exclaimed rapidly shaking her hand.
Taketora let out a small yelp as he grabbed So’s hand yanking it from Akasuki’s grasp,
“be careful! She’s fragile!”
Fragile? A laugh slipped from Akasuki’s lips, wow these boys really aren’t familiar with meeting girls,
“I’m okay,” she insisted, “thanks though.”
Taketora’s eyes widened at Akasuki, slowly backing away rapidly nodding his head. How strange, it’s like he feared her, or worshipped her. So continued to grin with a stupidly bright smile. This might not be so bad. Morisuke chuckled shaking his head, Tetsuro smirking softly at the scene playing out in front of him. Tetsuro then cleared his throat,
“let’s get you associated with the team,” he clapped his hands together, “first years!”
Two boys ran over joining So’s side. Standing side by side with So, the others were comparatively shorter, the one just shorter than So, dawned short light brown hair with matching eyes. Tetsuro gestured to him,
“Tamahiko,” he then proceeded to point to the shortest of the three standing similarly to Akasuki’s height, “Yuki.”
Yuki had jet black hair parted in the middle with dark eyes and a soft smile. Awe, they’re kinda cute, cute as in like hopeful. Tetsuro clapped the pair on the back,
“Speak to the girl, let Akasuki know she’s wanted.”
Wanted? Does he actually mean that or is he joking around?
“It’s nice to meet you,” Tamahiko spoke with a short nod.
Akasuki returned the nod, it looks like he might not be much of a talker, she can’t say much though. Yuki played with the trim of his shirt as he lifted his gaze to meet Akasuki’s,
“It’s nice to greet,” his cheeks grew red, “I mean meet, it’s nice to meet you Akasuki,” his eyes fell to the ground.
She instantly felt sorry for him. She understood the nerves that must be flowing through his body, she used to be like him, she still is in a way but at this current moment, she didn’t feel nervous anymore.
“It’s nice to meet you both,” Akasuki replied smiling softly.
Tetsuro lightly moved the three aside, calling out for the others,
“second years!”
One more boy jogged up to Taketora’s side pushing him towards Akasuki with a smirk. The boy had short black hair that turned up at the base, pale skin and pale brown eyes. These guys look pretty close with one another. Akasuki slowly gazed around at them all, they all do.
“Shohei and,” Kuroo spoke glancing over to the boy sat on the bench on his gaming device, “that’s Kenma.”
Kenma, huh? She assumed that he didn’t particularly like the whole team huddle thing, or maybe it was just her he didn’t like. Shit. She bit her lips as she crossed her arms watching Tetsuro. He shrugged turning to her with a smile,
“he’s the life of the party, as you can tell.”
Those words brought a smile upon her lips, totally, he looks like he’s living life to the fullest. Nobuyuki abruptly held out his hands, a ball with yellow and blue strips on a white base between them,
“you wanna give it a shot?”
Give what a shot? Suddenly there were multiple hands clapping her on the back pushing her towards the net. Wait, no, she can’t do this, she’s not a sports person and the last thing she is going to do is embarrass herself in front of people she doesn’t even know. She shook her head digging her feet into the floor,
“I don’t do sports.”
The cheering stopped as the boys stared at her questionably. Maybe they weren’t exactly the correct words,
“I meant,”
“Why are you here then?” So blurted out with a smirk paired with a wink.
Why? Come on, she pressed into her mind for some believable lie, a-ha!
“Extra credit,” Akasuki whispered.
“That’s kind of,” So paused scratching his head, “boring.”
Of course, it would be to the kid who spreads his hours hitting a rubber ball. Taketora blurted out,
“it’s cute!”
His cheeks growing red as he stumbled back to avoid ridicule from the others. Right, it’s not cute, it’s a lie. Her eyes fluttered up to meet Kuroo’s, his eyes were trained on her practically screaming liar. He has to know, he’s the captain, he knows everything, they always do. She forced a weak smile stepping out of the overwhelming circle and to the side, gesturing for them to continue,
“I’m just, gonna watch.”
The boys nodded resuming their positions. She let out a sigh of relief, that was a close one. The clearing of a throat alerted her to someone’s presence, her head shooting back to see the boy on his gaming device. With a closer view, Akasuki could see his black roots with dyed blond ends reaching his jaw line, and avoidant eyes. Wow, she couldn’t help but stare at this boy, yet he wouldn’t even lay an eye on her. Not that that was a surprise to her, she knew her worth. She turned back to face the front, her cheeks burning from the image of the boy watching her. Please just go play, Akasuki begged, he was on this team for a reason. Almost as if in response to her wishes, the boy moved into her side view shuffling onto the court scooping a ball from a hidden cart throwing it up to Tetsuro. Does he seriously not care she was there? A complete intrusion from a stranger, if anything, Akasuki would have been completely gutted and fuming. Wait, her mouth partly dropped open, is he angry at her? Did she ruin the team by turning up? Oh shit, oh shit, what if she’s done exactly what she dreaded would happen to her? A shuffle of feet drew her attention before her as the face burning face of Yuki stood before her.
“Yuki,” she spoke, the confusion slipping from her tongue.
Why did she even speak? It would’ve been less awkward if she left it, even worse, she spoke his exact name, stupid idiot. Yuki clenched his eyes shut suddenly bowing before her,
“I hope you become part of the team with us so we can win nationals!”
She was taken aback by the sudden outburst of noise from such as small boy. Wow, he really sounds committed, even though he’s just a mere first year. She sighed with a chuckle reaching out to brush her hand against his shoulder to lift him up so his shoulders were back and his posture straight, if he was going to make such statements, he should look the part. She began to whisper,
“I,” what should she say? “I want to be part of the team.”
The truth. The lie had already been thrown into the mud and stomped on repeatedly. His eyes widened as his lips quivered with potential happiness or terror, she wasn’t completely sure how he felt.
“But,” she continued to whisper glancing behind him, “don’t tell them that.”
Yuki nodded hurriedly,
“yes ma’am!” sprinting off to join So on the court.
He’s so small and such a ball of character, but he’s surely a natural introvert. Who wasn’t? She stood watching the game, balls flying over the net, into the bodies of unsuspecting victims, the fine line of her lips rising into a smile. Her smile is caught by the unknown stalker beside her, So,
“wanna know something funny?”
Akasuki tilted her head at him curiously, funny like what? Without her speaking, a haunting laugh slipped from his lips as he gestured to the bench. Akasuki glanced to the bench, the exact spot Kenma had been sitting,
“I hid his game.”
“I,” she started to murmur, her internal conflict starting.
Is he doing this for attention? Or to mess with him? She wasn’t sure how to respond to his confession, should she tell Tetsuro or just pretend she knows nothing? So started to laugh hysterically slapping Akasuki's shoulder,
“let the real game begin.”
She hoped to god this kid was joking. Before she could even question his actions, he charged back into the court bounding excitedly. Is she willing to be involved with these childish pranks? As the practice session for today closed up, Tetsurō and Morisuke approached Akasuki wiping the sweat from their faces onto their sleeves. Oh, she swore there were towels somewhere, she glanced back to the bench seeing a stack of towels, she should grab them. She grabbed a couple meeting Tetsurō and Morisuke with the towels held out before her. Morisuke thanked her, Tetsurō shoving his face into the towel sighing heavily. Is something wrong?
“I,” she started to speak, trying to find her voice, “watching you guys is fun.”
“We enjoyed the company,” Morisuke claimed with a smile, slapping Tetsurō on the back, “we both did.”
That’s sweet of him to say. Tetsurō lifted his head from the towel with a weak smirk, eyes preying on Akasuki,
“this is my formal invitation for you,” he held out his hand, “we could really use some support from the inside.”
Support? Her eyes dropped to his hand, light glimmering from the sweat on his palm, if she did this, if she joined them. It would no longer be about her; it would be about them. Is caring about others going to bite her in the future? Can she let what happened in her past drown in the present?
“I don’t think he’s giving you a choice,” Morisuke joked rubbing his neck anxiously.
Her eyes lifted to meet his, he seemed to genuinely want her here, maybe that was just his thing.
“Hey Suki,” Sō called from the gym doors.
She glanced to him, Suki? Is that a nickname?
“You know my secrets,” Sō continued, “now, we can’t let you slip away.”
Taketora nodded his head in agreement as he slipped out of the door, Sō following him. The rest of the boys leaving behind him, except Tetsurō, Morisuke and Kenma. Somehow everything they were saying just made her think, if anything was to happen, it’d be worth it. Is she able to carry that constant pain and worry with her? She moved her eyes back to Tetsurō, her lips parting carefully,
“you really think I’m the kinda girl you want?”
It’s an important question. Tetsurō nodded,
“completely, in mind and heart.”
That’s all she needed to hear for confirmation of her decision. She slipped her hand into his,
“thank you.”
Tetsurō chuckled removing his hand from hers throwing the towel of his shoulder as he moved towards the bench,
“I know a lost kitten when I see one.”
Lost kitten? Right, Nekoma's team are known as the cats, maybe it makes sense. But she didn’t think she was a lost kitten,
“what do you mean lost?”
Morisuke squeezed her shoulder, whispering to her,
“It’s a losing fight, don’t bother.”
He must be the type that doesn’t give anyone a chance in arguments. It made sense looking at him. She noticed Kenma was rummaging around in his bag, hastily pulling things out muttering madly to himself. He knows. Kenma looked up at Tetsurō with wide eyes,
“It’s gone.”
Shit. Tetsurō glanced to Morisuke before speaking,
“What’s gone?”
His game.
“My game,” Kenma muttered emptying his bag over the bench, “did you take it?”
“No,” Tetsurō replied dropping his things as he crouched to search around the bench.
She should say something. She parted her lips to speak but Morisuke stepped in front of her shaking his head as he gestured for her to turn around. She frowned following his gestures, Morisuke leaning down to grab his bag walking alongside her to the door. She glanced back to the boys, Kenma waving his arms around, his face growing red as Testuro stood there with his hands on his hips listening to Kenma’s ramblings. She didn’t realise he could be this, expressive. And for Tetsuro to stand there and actively listen, he must really care for the members on this team. Morisuke blocked her view edging her out, she stepped out into the darkened evening. She should’ve said something. Morisuke closed the door behind them his eyes darting to the side of the building,
“Tora, what’s up?”
Tora? A figure emerged from the darkness approaching the pair, Taketora’s eyes low and cheeks pinks,
“I, eh, Akasuki, didn’t know if someone would walk you back.”
Huh, is he offering to walk her back? Morisuke chuckled,
“the sweetheart of the group, yet doesn’t know how to speak to girls.”
“I’m speaking to one!” Taketora exclaimed rapidly gesturing to Akasuki.
More like stumbling then yelling at one. Akasuki noticed the slight shiver of Taketora as he joined their side, her intuition kicking in. He must be cold. She rummaged in her bag pulling out a blue scarf draping it over Taketora’s shoulders,
“I know it’s not cold but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t wrap up.”
Taketora’s face reddened at the actions of Akasuki. She was so used to doing it for the boys she didn’t hesitate to do it for him, she hoped it didn’t come off as strange. Morisuke lightly touched the scarf,
“you like,” smirking, “dinosaurs?”
Dinosaurs? She looked back to the scarf, realising her mistake, a laugh slipping from her lips,
“and if I do, what are you going to do about it?”
Morisuke grinned starting to walk ahead,
“I’ve got nothing against dinosaurs.”
That’s good to know. Her brothers loved dinosaurs; she didn’t realise she picked up one of their scarfs this morning instead of her own. Akasuki caught up with him, Taketora holding the ends of the scarf in his hands like a baby, hastily jogging after the pair,
“good! Because I happen to love dinosaurs!”
Morisuke shook his head at Taketora’s comment,
“you’re trying too hard.”
Trying too hard for what? Akasuki glanced between the pair who shared a look before furrowing her brows, she felt more comfortable in front of Morisuke than she did with the others. So, she concluded that it would be a good start to speaking her mind.
“What do you mean?” Akasuki asked.
Taketora bit his lip as he lowered his hands, sliding them into his pockets lightly glaring at Morisuke, then back to the ground. What are they on about? Morisuke let out a quick sigh,
“I guess, we’re all just curious whether you joined because you know,” he moved his hands between the two of them, “you might be looking for male attention.”
Male attention? Akasuki stopped moving her eyes set on the pair, her mouth curving down into a frown. Did she come off as desperate? Because she’s not. She just took an opportunity and hoped for the best. She burrowed her hands into her pockets as she began to walk again eyes set on the ground ahead of her, mumbling,
“I’m not.”
“You seemed to take offense to what I said,” Morisuke pointed out, “It was just an assumption, don’t take it personally,” becoming defensive on his own terms.
“He doesn’t speak for me, I’ll give you all my attention,” Taketora blurted, his cheeks becoming rosy once more.
These guys are genuinely stupid. Did she seriously look like someone who cares about attention from boys?
“Well,” Akasuki muttered, “I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I don’t, search for attention,” she paused looking up at the two, “from anyone.”
“So, you’re a loner?” Taketora questioned.
A loner. Those words should’ve hurt Akasuki more but they didn’t, they brought a type of relief along with them. She nodded,
“as a loner, you don’t get attention from anyone. You don’t get all the negatives that you get from being around others.”
“But,” Morisuke started, “you don’t get the positives from being around others either.”
Positives? Her mind flickered back to the past, filtering through the faces, the words, the actions of those who played her. To her knowledge, there weren’t many positives.
“The positives are worth the negatives,” Taketora admitted loosely, “for example, Kenma, doesn’t talk to us much, always plays his game, doesn’t do much practice but,” he grinned to himself, “it’s all forgiven once we play with him on the court.”
The negatives are worth it? Going through the pain to Akasuki felt pointless, it’s like, trudging through mud just to arrive at a river, which evidentially is surrounded by more mud. This is enough for her.
“I’m sorry if I came off that way,” Akasuki came to a halt looking around, “I want to try with you guys, but,”
“You’re scared,” Morisuke spoke, soft eyes watching her.
Scared. Maybe. Something inside her had made her come here today, but her mind was desperately bringing up good points in the court of choice.
“Don’t you think I'm scared?” Taketora stepped forward towards Akasuki, “every time I think about Kuroo replacing me, I can feel the anger flooding through. We’re all,” he turned to Morisuke, “what’s the word?”
“Replaceable?” Morisuke suggested
Taketora nodded,
“Right, but that doesn’t matter,” he smiled softly, “what matters is if you let that wave of,” he turned back to Morisuke, “what is it when you don’t feel like yourself?”
“Insecurity?” Morisuke suggested once more.
Taketora grinned,
“exactly, you can’t give in to that, Akasuki,” he held out his hand to her, “I can promise you, we’re worth it.”
She didn’t completely understand Taketora’s explanation but she understood enough. He was saying she can’t let her emotions drown her hopes, she thought that was what he meant at least. She glanced up at Taketora’s face, full of sincerity and a compassion,
“I can’t say the same for me,” she lightly placed her hand in his, “but I trust you.”
Trust is a strong word. But she’s willing to use it for these boys. Taketora suddenly pulled his hand away from hers, his face burning as he abruptly sprinted ahead,
“I have to go! Bye!”
What? Wait, did she do something? She turned to Morisuke confused.
“He’s not good with the ladies,” Morisuke chuckled, “and, he’s made it more awkward by taking your scarf.”
Oh. Yeah, that’s kinda funny. Akasuki smiled,
“It’s fine, I can get it tomorrow.”
She caught his eyes, a glimmer of appreciation as he smiled at her,
Akasuki pointed down a road to her left,
“this is me so,” she glanced at him, “I’ll catch you tomorrow.” 
Morisuke smiled with a nod,
“Catch ya later, get some rest, you’re gonna need it tomorrow.”
Akasuki nodded turning away from him. Rest is what she needed most right now. Maybe more mentally than emotionally, she needed to think some things through.

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