chapter 13- the pillowfight!

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Victor and Yuuri were watching Yurio and Otabek from the window. "how long have they been dancing for?" little does Victor know, but Yuuri was wondering the same thing. "maybe an hour or two? or three?" Victor was laughing at Yuuri now on the floor. "well i didn't exactly watch the time Victor" Yuuri said while he started laughing. Yuuri didn't realize it, but Victor was reaching for a pillow. once Victor grabbed one, he hit Yuuri with it. "Victor what are yo-" Yuuri fell over, and Victor climbed on top of him to pin him down and kept hitting him with the pillow. "HEY- HEY" Yuuri yelled while laughing "HEY AT LEAST PLAY FAIR VICTOR!" Yuuri flipped them over so he was on top, then he jumped up leaving Victor on the floor, diving onto the bed to grab a pillow, while Victor was attacking him with 2 pillows now, trying to stop him. Yuuri finally grabbed a pillow, and swung at Victor with it. Victor dodged the pillow, "HA IM WINNING!" then Yuuri tackled Victor, and smacked him with a pillow "how are you so sure about that?" Victor made eye contact with Yuuri, and said "because i can do this." then he flipped them over once again, and started tickling Yuuri. "NO- NO STOP" Yuuri screamed while uncontrollably laughing, "I WIN!" Victor said, then he kissed Yuuri and winked at him- then there was a knock on the door. Victor got up, and opened the door, "oh hey guys! did you guys have fun?" Yurio looked around Victor and Yuuri's room, and said "wow this is a mess of pillows" Victor laughed, and Yuuri stood up- "yeah, pillow fights" Otabek and Yurio laughed, "so you guys had fun too" Yurio leaned into Otabek, who pulled him closer "we were outside, looking at the stars. it was really pretty outside, we danced together for a few hours" Yuuri smiled, "well i'm glad you guys are enjoying it here. every skater i've met that has a partner, or doesn't, can never find anything fun to do.  so me and Yuuri just do random stuff around town, go on adventures, stuff like that" Yurio yawned a little, and Yuuri checked the time- "yeah, its getting pretty late, we should all go to bed" Yurio and Otabek went back to their room, Yuuri and Victor picked up all the pillows and laid down in bed. Victor turned to look at Yuuri, and pushed his hair away from his face "you need a haircut" he said while laughing. "no i don't i like my hair long in the front! then it looks nicer slicked back" Victor laughed a little, "okay your right your hair does look good like this" Yuuri smiled, then cuddled up to Victor, then they both fell asleep.

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