Chapter 2- the mystery girl

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Yuuri lead Victor to the outside of the rink so they could get their skates on. Yuuri smiled at Victor kindly, holding his hand. "are you ready?" Yuuri was watching Victor's every move. Victor nodded his head and slipped off his shoes, and sat down to pull his skates on. then someone suddenly ran over to Yuuri and Victor, they couldn't tell who it was as they were tieing their skates, then they looked up to see who this mystery person was. "Y-Yuuri Katsuki?!" she said with wide eyes, looking over at Victor "VICTOR NIKIFOROV?!" she squealed with excitement, as Yuuri and Victor look at each other trying to figure out who she was. mystery person, mystery person. Yuuri was thinking, "honestly i was expecting Minami. where is Minami? i always love to cheer him on." he stopped thinking about this once Victor tapped his shoulder, this mystery girl still standing over them. "OH, how rude of me. sorry, im Milanya. but you can call me Mila!" she was a little shorter than Yuuri, or maybe even around his height. she had her brown hair pulled up into a bun. she had purple highlights, which were faded to the perfect shade of purple. Victor stood up, and offered to take a memorable picture. Yuuri hesitated, but Victor seemed so sure that they should take one, and Yuuri trusted that he was right. but this mystery Mila girl, couldn't take her eyes off of Yurio! everyone could see that it was making Otabek mad. why wouldn't she stop looking at him? is she a fan? then she winked at him. Yurio rolled his eyes and flipped her off. "ooooh, fiesty little tiger" did she know who she was messing with? the only person Yurio wants is Otabek, and thats very clear to everyone else here, except Mila of course. and that's when Otabek walked away, Yurio trying to chase after him. if anyone here understands Otabek the most, its Yurio. but Yurio isn't the best at comforting others, at least not normally. but Otabek sat down up against a wall in the hallway, sobbing. this really isn't like Otabek. was Otabek afraid of losing Yurio?

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