40 -Treehouse of Horror

Start from the beginning

"It's not very thoughtful, Blaire," Pansy tutted, shaking her head in disappointment. "It's got to be highly embarrassing for poor Drakie."

What the fuck? I glanced at Draco in confusion, wondering what the hell was going on; but he just coloured further, refusing to meet my eye.

"Next time, perhaps wash your lady garments out of the sight of innocent sixteen year old boys." Pansy said, clucking her tongue disapprovingly as I hurried across the kitchen to reclaim it; making sure to give Draco the stink eye as I did so.


As the day wore on, Draco seemed more and more reluctant to tell Pansy it was over.

"But we are not even a thing!" He whined when I pulled him up on it during one of Pansy's toilet breaks. "If I tell her it's over then it's like I'm admitting I'm a cheater!"

"Tell me you are not fucking serious, Drac?" I spluttered incredulously. "The girl obviously thinks you are together. Just tell her how it is - please! It's not fair on her otherwise. And..." I paused, looking him directly in the eye, "...it's not fair on me."

Draco let out an agonised sigh, and I could tell my words, at last, had got to him.

"Shit, I'm sorry, Blaire," he said reaching out to tenderly brush his fingers against mine, "I'm being a coward."

The way he looked at me caused my heart to flutter; the urge to fall against his chest and press my lips against his was almost overwhelming.

But the sound of a toilet flushing pulled me out of my reverie, and I swiftly snatched my hand away from his.

"I'm going to go for a walk," I said, looking up at him pointedly. "You need to tell her, Drac. Now."

I hoped my meaning was clear. Because if he didn't, then no more fucking. I refused to be a side player to the 'Dransy' show.

I don't know how long I had been out in the grounds, wandering amongst the topiary garden, when the sounds of commotion coming from the direction of the treehouse greeted my ears.

I looked up in time to see Pansy thundering across the lawn towards me, her face sporting an ugly scowl.

I guessed she knew, then.

"Pansy - wait!" Draco called breathlessly as he jumped down from the elevator and started racing after her.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Pansy's voice screeched murderously through the grounds.

I gulped, reaching for my wand and then remembering with a sinking heart that I wasn't allowed to use magic.

So, a cat fight it was then. Or I could run? Running was tempting actually, because by the look on Pansy's face, this bitch meant business.

Shit. I'd never been beaten up before. That was usually Draco's thing. I was the chilled one who never got myself into these situations.

Until now.

Draco was running after her, yelling at her to stop, but she was not listening and he was never going to reach her before she got to me.

I decided I would just take whatever she had planned for me. I had been fucking the guy she thought was her boyfriend, after all.

So I braced myself, and just prayed I wouldn't chip a nail.

"Pansy," I said calmly as she reached me, seeing if I could try and defuse the situation with words, "please, let's just-"

But I was cut off as my head whipped violently to side after her hand painfully struck my cheek.

"For fuck's sake, Pansy," Draco bellowed having finally caught up with her, and I looked up to see him restraining her arms; his face twisted in fury as she struggled against him, trying to get back at me, "she's done nothing wrong!"

"I never did stand a chance with you around, did I?" Pansy screamed at me, tears now rolling down her cheeks. "He never looked at me like he looked at you. In his eyes, nobody could ever match up to you and your 'perfect' friendship; a friendship that he always swore to me was platonic! Well, that's a fucking joke! This whole time he just wanted to get into your knickers! And of course you went ahead and dropped them without a second thought. You think you're so much better than the rest of us, but in reality you're nothing but a cheap little skank, just like your mother!"

Slowly, I lowered my hand from my stinging cheek; adrenaline coursing through my veins as I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Go ahead and call me a bitch," I said in a low and dangerous voice, the effort of trying to keep it steady making me visibly shake. "Slap my face and insult my mother even. But don't you dare call me a skank again."

Draco, who was still restraining Pansy, suddenly let her go, giving her a look of disgust before moving to step up beside me. "I think it's best you leave now, Pansy."

She blinked, looking up at the both of us standing together, side by side; her bottom lip trembling.

"I hope he breaks your heart," she snivelled before wheeling abruptly on her heel and stomped back towards the Manor.

"Did you have to tell her about us fucking?" I asked Draco as we both stood watching her retreating figure. "A simple 'soz, Pans, but you and me are just not working out anymore' would have done."

"Oh, please," Draco scoffed, stuffing his hands in his trouser pockets, "as if you'd ever catch me saying 'soz'. And besides, she worked it out thanks to you forgetting how to get dressed properly."

"I was fucking starving!"

"Chill, Zabini," Draco drawled, his grey eyes flashing wickedly as he glanced down at my chest. "At least it's less for me to take off when we get back inside."

I was about to scold him for being so insensitive whilst his ex-girlfriend was still on the grounds, but I ended up fucking him in the elevator instead.


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