41 - Something's Happening, and I'm Scared

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Over the following summer days, all Draco and I did was eat, sleep and fuck.

And there was Occlumency, of course. On top of Draco's continued daily lessons with his aunt, he also tried to teach me what he was learning too.

Except that we never really got far with it because he kept on looking for my sex memories.

"Drac, you need to stop doing that," I panted as I slid down from the kitchen island, pinging my thong back in place. "I'm never going to learn to close my mind otherwise."

"I'm not being funny, Blaire," Draco smirked, zipping up his flies, "but your mind is full of nothing else. It's not my fault you're gagging for it all the time."

I threw my bra at his head.

"I miss the PlayStation," I grumbled, strutting over to the fridge in search of a nice cold drink. "Remember when that's all we used to do here?"

"I quite like this new game, to be honest," he shrugged, "and think of the health benefits we're getting from all the exercise."

Failing to locate any pumpkin juice, I grabbed the milk carton instead, whacked off the top and chugged it straight down my gullet. Man, that felt good after that thirsty fuck.

I could sense Draco wincing as he watched me.

"We have glasses, you know," he drawled disdainfully. "It wouldn't hurt for you to use one once in a while."

"Alright, pack it up Hermione Granger." I snickered, replacing the carton and slamming the fridge door shut.

He spluttered wordlessly as I walked passed, grinning. The dude was too easy to wind up.

"Where are you going?" He called after me as I exited the kitchen.

"To have a shower," I replied, looking coyly over my shoulder. "Coming?"

He didn't hesitate.


Draco Malfoy was completely besotted.

If he had it his way, he would just lay in bed all day, fucking his best friend's brains out.

He couldn't imagine ever wanting to do anything else ever again. He loved witnessing her come undone, loved that he was the one making her feel that way.

They literally fucked everywhere in the treehouse, to the point when he was certain the place must reek of sex. It always terrified him when his mother popped by for a coffee; fear that she could smell it.

"Are you managing to keep yourselves entertained?" She'd ask, her eyes sweeping the place as though searching for clues of how they passed their time.

Draco would mumble something about board games before swiftly changing the subject.

He felt bad, as though he was somehow betraying his mother who had trusted them all these years to be alone in the treehouse.

But he couldn't stop it; his physical need for Blaire was so strong that he was almost certain he would explode if they ceased fucking. Of course he realised it was simply his hormones at play; but knowing that didn't stop him feeling the way he did.

He was also aware that they had probably ruined the friendship they had once had; but he tried not to think of this as necessarily a bad thing, focusing on it as more of a 'positive development' instead.

He sometimes wondered whether Blaire missed it, though. The wistfulness in her expression when she had talked about the days they used to play on the PlayStation hadn't bypassed him.

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