Chapter 5: A day to relax

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☆☆☆Kaedes POV☆☆☆

Its been a couple days since the chaotic mess that was Makis announcement. I was wrapped in a blanket on the couch. On Saturday me and Miu are having a day to ourselves. No phones no nothing. Just us together. I honestly need that. Work has been such a pain in the ass that i just need a weekend to relax. 2 more days til i get to relax. I fell asleep on the couch watching some comedic romantic movies. I woke up to see Miu next to me passed out in her comfy clothes. I looked at the clock and it showed 6:56pm. Miu gets off work at 2:30 meaning she's been home for awhile. I limbed over to the kitchen and stretched for a bit before making dinner.

~time skippy hop hop~

It was around 11pm and Miu and I were cuddling in bed while watching movies. We were giving each other the occasional cheek kisses and it was so cute. She soon fell asleep around 1am. I just had to watch her sleep for a little bit. She's just so beautiful. I want her all to myself. I knew i wanted to marry her but i don't know when to ask her to marry me. I was thinking of taking her to the ocean or cherry blossom tree. Thinking about us getting married put butterflies in my stomach. I knew i wanted to propose soon. Maybe this weekend even? I have the week off from work and so does Miu. I decided a picnic was the best way to propose to the love of my life.

Hello! I have returned from a unscheduled hiatus. School was becoming too much to handle so i took a little break from writing. I hope you all enjoyed!
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