Chapter 4: You can do this!

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A/N: So ya. Chapter 4 is here. I dont know what else to put here. Also, TYSM FOR ALMOST 300 VIEWS YALL ARE WILD. Okie lets begin.

♡Mius Pov♡
I knew what Maki was trying to say but she couldnt get it out. I grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the group. "We will be right back!" I told them. I took her outside and down the steps to give her a pep talk. "Maki look. I know it might be hard to tell people that your pregnant but you can do it." I told her. "What if they think its a prank?" "If they think its a prank just go get the positive tests that you have upstairs. Remember, you can do this. Im sure they will be happy for you." "I mean i guess your right" "Even better idea! Lets play a game where they have to guess it!" She nodded in agreement and we walked back inside. "So girls! I have a game we are gonna play! Its called guess Makis secret announcement! I already know so i wont be playing. One at a time youll go write what you think it is on the chalk board and which ever is right  Maki will circle it! Take your places now" Maki came and sat beside me as all the others went up to the chalk board and wrote their guesses.

Maki walked up and didnt circle anything

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Maki walked up and didnt circle anything. "How come you didnt write anything?" Tenko asked Maki. "Cause none of those are correct" "I KNEW IT WAS THE OTHER ONE!" We heard Tsumugi yell. "Other one?" Kaede asked. "Cmon Maki! I know what it is" I sorta nudged her shoulder. "You can do this Maki. Just tell the others!" "I-" Maki then got up and ran to her room. I almost immediately followed her. She locked the both of us in her and Kaitos room. "I just cant do it!" She broke down on the floor. "You can do this. You dont have to tell them now. You can also wait a little bit. After all you just found out today." I reassured her. "I just can't say it for some reason." I sat on the floor and rubbed her back. "Here lets practice. You tell me like i dont know and ill react just like the others will!" Maki just ignored me and walked out the room. I followed her back to the group. "Is everything alright Maki?" Kaede asked her. "Yea and i think im ready" I stood beside her as she got ready to spill her announcement. "inhale, exhale. Girls. Im..." "Cmon you got this!" I whisper-yelled to her. "Im pregnant." Insert loud gasps  "No way!" Kaede said. "I knew it!" Tsumugi yelled. "Awwwwwwwe" The others said in sync. "Wait Miu how did you already know?" Tenko asked me. "I just happened to be at the right place at the right time." I responded. "See i told you they would be happy for you!" "Yea your right they are happy."

A couple hours later...

Mostly everyone had gone home except Me and Kaede. We were staying with Maki til Kaito came home from the bar with the boys. Kaede wanted to go home so i told Maki that id be back with my car. We got in the car and started driving. "I still cant believe that Maki is pregnant!" Kaede squealed as she drove us back home. When i got home Maki texted me saying that Kaito was home so i didnt have to come back. I flopped down on the bed after i took a shower. Kaede was already sleeping so i just climbed in behind her and fell asleep.
The end to another crazy day.

A/N: We made it to the end of chapter 4. At this point these have become fun to write and hopefully you guys enjoyed! Signing off now.

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