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"You know I'm seriously impressed," says Remy, a girl who has been taking care of me at the bowling alley.

My head pokes up at her as I place a pair of baby bowling shoes back on the shelf. "Impressed with what?" I question curiously.

She pushes her long blonde hair over her shoulder as she leans onto the counter beside me. "With how quickly you've picked everything up," she comments. "Most people that come here to work thinking they can get away with doing the bare minimum. But I like you, you aren't making my job any harder."

A small laugh rumbles from my chest. "Thanks, I've been trying," I say as I wipe my hands against my black jeans. "How long have you worked here?"

"Two years," she nods, her hand running along the till. "Hopefully this year will be my last, I want to go travelling in a couple of months. So really I'm just saving up the money for that."

"That's cool," I tell her, my eyes watching out for any customers. But it was getting late and most people had gone home, closing time was in thirty minutes. "I would love to go travelling someday."

"I cannot wait," her big blue eyes burst at me with joy. "So did you just recently move to Michigan or?"

I instantly nod towards her. "I used to live here when I was younger but then I moved away with my two dads for twelve years."

"Where did you live?"

"We lived on the outskirts of New York,"

Remy's jaw drops instantly. "As if you got to live in New York!" She yells. "You're so lucky."

My hands hesitantly pull down the sleeves on my long top as I shrug at her words. "Wouldn't exactly call it lucky, didn't really go to Manhattan much so was pretty much like this."

"Even so," she tilts her head in my direction. "So what's going on with you? You have any friends here?

"Not really," I say quietly. "I've not been here long enough to really meet anyone."

"Well I'm having a little get-together with my friends tonight," she nods enthusiastically towards me. "You should come."

"Oh," I say quickly. "Urm yeah sure, if that's okay?"

Remy hums as she grabs a bottle of water from the side and cracking the lid. "Course it is, it's not like a house party or whatever. I have this shed in my backyard, my parents get sick of everyone making noise so we have our own place to hangout now."

"Sounds good," my eyes check the watch on my wrist.

"As long as you're okay with a bit of drinking and smoking,"

My eyes stare back at her, trying my best for my expression to come across rude. "Sure," I make out before nodding.

"Great," she claps her hands together. "My friends are all probably at my house, do you want a ride to mine?"

"Yeah, please," my hands reach up to tighten my ponytail. "I don't drive yet."

"No biggie," Remy smiles at me. "It's best not driving, means you don't have to be the designated driver."

. . .

The thought of meeting Remy's friends in my work clothes made me feel a little on edge, I probably smelt of cheesy shoes and sweat. Remy lends me a perfume that was kept in the back of her car, along with a jumper she said she never wears.

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