"Can we take a picture?" I asked. 

He grinned, "Sure," he chuckled. I pulled out my phone, discreetly pressing record. Just because I wanted this to be a moment. Because of what I was about to do. 

I stood beside him, he grinned at the camera but I went in to kiss his cheek. He turned to me before I could, "You're feeling frisky," he whispered. 

"Don't ruin the moment," I said, turning his head back to the front. He grinned and I went to kiss his cheek, dodging it and turning to his ear. "Ethan," I whispered. 

"What?" he turned to me, still smiling. 

"I love you," I said. 

"You what?" he stared at me in disbelief. 

"I love you," I repeated. He stared at me silently. "I was gonna tell you at the ice rink but I thought it was too soon," I mumbled. He didn't say anything for a beat. And another. "Okay, let's just take a picture," I said, turning back to the front. I smiled at the camera but he was still staring at me. 

"I love you too," he said. 

"You do?" I turned to him in shock. 

What else were you expecting him to say? Sorry, no thanks? 

"Yeah," he nodded, smiling, "Yeah, I love you too." 

I grinned, hugging him tightly, feeling my nerves ease out a little. I stopped recording and held my phone in my hand while he slowly rocked us back and forth. I pulled away to look at him, both of us smiling. He kissed me quickly, a long peck. "We have to go," he said after pulling away. 

I sighed. 


I took a last glance around my room, making sure I didn't forget anything before turning to him. He was standing there, staring at me. I noticed his tie matched my dress. "Did I tell you I'm wearing red?" I smiled, looking at his tie. 

"No, it was instinct," he chuckled. 

I grabbed his tie, pulling him forward. He stumbled, grabbing my waist. "I love you," I laughed before kissing him again. When I pulled away, his grip on me tightened and he let out a frustrated sigh. "You have lip gloss on," I chuckled, swiping my thumb across his lips, wiping it off. 

"Leave it there," he laughed. 

"No way," I shook my head. 

"Why? You leave a mark, I'll leave one too," he smirked, leaning in towards my neck. 

"Oh?" I chuckled in amusement. "You... oh, you're already there," I whispered when I felt his lips on my neck. 

No going back now. 


He helped me out of his car and led us inside the hotel. 

Did we have sex? 


Did we make out for a long time and get an hour late? 

No, but I wish. Just 45 minutes late. 

Do I wish we had sex? 

I most certainly do. 

The things I would- 

"Olivia?" I snapped out of it and turned to him. "Your parents are coming over and I think you're drooling thinking about what we could have done in your room tonight. And babe," he chuckled, "Pull your hair forward." 

"Why?" I smirked. 

"Uh, because your dad is coming," he said, looking at me, nearly panicking. 

"So?" I grinned. 

"Olivia," he said sternly. I arched a brow at him daringly and his grip tightened around my waist. "Pull your hair forward or I swear to god, you'll regret it later," he whispered in my ear. 

I smiled, pulling my hair over the left side of my neck where he left the hickeys. There were a few. I didn't bother putting concealer on them, we were late and he made sure they weren't too visible. I didn't ever think I'd be rubbing lotion on my hickeys to fade them out yet there we were in my bathroom, both of us laughing. 

"Hey mom, hey dad," I grinned. 

"Hello, Mr. Carrington, Mrs. Carrington," Ethan nodded at both of them, shaking my dad's hand. 

"You two are awfully late, what happened?" my mom asked. 

"We had car trouble," we said in sync. 

Great minds think alike. 

"Oh, what happened?" my dad asked. 

"The car just wouldn't start, some trouble in the engine," he lied, "We got it fixed on the way." 

"That's good," my mom smiled. 

"And very unbelievable," my dad said knowingly. 

"Dad," I sighed, faint clouds of pink coating my cheeks as well as Ethan's. 

"Why honey, what happened?" mom asked dad. He bent down, whispering something in her ear while smiling. She looked at me, head to toe, and then took a step forward. Instinctively, I took one back. She turned to Ethan, assessing him. 

"Mom, please," I chuckled. 

"Sorry, Mrs. Carrington. Sir," Ethan shrugged, smiling, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. 

She turned back to me, shaking her head, chuckling. She took a step closer to me and flicked my hair over my shoulder. "Oh," she laughed before turning to Ethan. I stared at the floor, probably turning redder than my dress. "Have patience, kids," she said, patting his cheek. 

"And use protection," my dad said, smirking at us. 

"Bye, Dad," I sang, pulling Ethan with me and heading anywhere but where my parents were. "I should have given you a few," I mumbled, heading to the bar with him. 

"Next time you can," he chuckled, "Oh, I'm so glad your dad didn't kill me," he let out a sigh of relief, his hand on his chest, the other holding mine. 

"Oh, I'm so not glad you gave me these," I said mockingly, sitting on a stool. 

"Really, didn't sound like it when you-" 

"Olivia!" We both turned to the front where Mr. Thomas was coming over. 

"Great, see, this is what happens when we're late. Everyone comes to meet us at once," I whispered, "Mr. Thomas, hi!" I grinned, sliding off the stool, greeting him. 

We've got more greetings to come.






Chapter 30

I think we've got about 10-12 chapters left, idk, I don't wanna make this book too long and bring unnecessary issues to our golden couple, but there's got to be one ;)

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