🍂Juza Hyodo x Shy! Chubby Reader🍂

Start from the beginning

"H-hello....u-um may I take you're orders....?"the chubby girl asked which made Juza only stared at her name tag, afraid of speaking up and avoiding the eyes of the girl.

'(Y/N) (L/N)....? Beautiful name.....ah fuck....what did I just thought?' Juza thought while he unconsciously picked so many sweets which made Kumon and Muku shocked, much to Muku's warns, Juza seemed caught up to the girl's name. While they were walking back to the dormitory, Juza's mind suddenly came back to reality, he felt a heavy weight on both of his hands.

"Why am I holdin' two boxes....?"Juza asked which made Kumon laughing

"You were completely stiff and frozen in place and you unconsciously picked some sweets, nii-chan!"Kumon said as Muku smiled while Juza was shocked

"I t-tried to warm you, Ju-chan. Although you ordered too many.....(L/N)-san, the chubby girl said the one box is served as an apology to her cousin bumping to you"Muku said which made Juza widened his eyes

"Ha? This is expensive as shit....."Juza said while Kumon smiled

"She told us that she was the one who baked those ones in the box! It was special sweets and it's not on the menu yet!"Kumon said with an enthusiastic smile, Muku smiled too

"She also told us that you'd be the perfect t-taster of the sweets she baked.....as much as you were stiff....I just accepted it...."Muku said happily then Juza blinked while he hands the other regular box to Kumon, Juza rushed towards the dormitory with the cute and nice decoration box then both Kumon and Muku looked at each other.

"What happened to nii-chan?"Kumon asked while Muku blushed

"I think Ju-chan h-has a small crush on (L/N)-san...."Muku said as Kumon widened his eyes

"Sugoiiiii! Nii-chan is very awesome! Let's go Muku, we can definitely share these to the others!"Kumon said and pointed at the box that Juza gave to them, Muku smiled and nodded, they walked back to the dorms. Meanwhile, Banri Settsu entered on his and Juza's shared room, he saw Juza with sparkling eyes on the opened box.

"The fuck is that...?"Banri asked which made Juza flinch and become flustered, he quickly whipped his head on him, Banri went to him and saw the sweets he was familiar with.

"Aren't these......aren't these (L/N)-san's sweets?"Banri asked which made Juza's ears perking up

"Huh?! How'd you know her, Bastard?"Juza asked then Banri looked at him

"Huh? You calling me a Bastard? I only fuckin' asked if it was (L/N)-san who made it, Shithead!"Banri said while Juza scoffed

"So what! How'd you know her?"Juza asked again which made Banri sighing

"(L/N)-san is my classmate from university, although her major is dancing, but we're in the same class. Earlier (L/N)-san baked those for someone to taste it, she would've asked around the university but she said that she wants a person who is good at sweets"Banri said and Juza looks at him

"So that means...."Juza trailed off which made Banri sighing again and went to his bed

"Yea, you were the chosen one. Anyways can I ha----- WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU BLUSHING FOR, HYODO?!"Banri asked which caused Juza stiff as a board

"Don't tell me.....you like her?!"Banri asked as Juza glared at him

"Fuck off and mind you're own damn business, Settsu"Juza said as he ate one of the sweets (Y/N) made

(Y/N)'s POV

It's been two days since that day I met my chosen one......I'm (Y/N) (L/N), 18 years old, studying at Veludo Arts University, I'm studying to become a professional dancer. I love dancing but I also love baking so now, I thought of baking sweets, my aunt asked me to bake some sweets so she can put it on the menu of their newly opened sweet shop. Of course I agreed, I walked to the university

"(Y/N)-chi!"I heard Miyoshi-senpai's voice as I smiled and waved shyly, I also saw Banri Settsu-kun, at first, I also judged him for his appearance when I met him. Miyoshi-senpai just introduced me to Settsu-kun, even though I'm classmates with him

"Ohayou Miyoshi-senpai and Settsu-kun"I said while they greeted back as we talked on the way to our classroom

"Anyways, Hyodle wants to see you in the dormitory"Miyoshi-senpai said as I looked at him

"Who is 'Hyodle'.....?"I asked while Settsu-kun smiled

"Juza Hyodo, he's the one who you picked for the fucking sweets you baked last two days ago"he said while I looked at them

"Oh, I remembered that they were apart of the theatre company you're both in. Then I'm glad! I-I actually like to meet this handsome deliquent looking guy"I unconsciously said while both of them looked at me

"Wait.....the fuck? Y-you think that Bastard is handsome?!"Settsu-kun asked while I widened my eyes blushed then I sat down on the chairs, I hid my face in my bag.

"Wait seriously?"Settsu-kun asked as I sighed then looked at him in the corner of my eyes

"D-d-does it look and sound bad....?"I asked then he had a small blush on his face and look away

"Geez, you can't fucking do that. You know how fuckin' cute you are, (Y/N)-san. Every guy in here looks so interested in you....even though your fuckin' shy as hell"Settsu-kun said while I smiled

"Sorry....I-I-I just....so Juza Hyodo is his name...? I never got it...."I said while Settsu-kun gritted his teeth

"That Jerk, if he hurts you....I'll kick his ass off"Settsu-kun said as I smiled

"Y-you two seemed to have hated each other....right? S-seeing how you got pissed off just saying his name"I said then he blabbered to how he met Juza Hyodo-kun, once the class dismissed, I went to my major while Settsu-kun went to his major, after that finished. Me, Settsu-kun, and Miyoshi-senpai went to the dormitory of the Mankai Company

"Hyodleeeee! (Y/N)-chan is here to see you!"Miyoshi-senpai said throughout the lounge as I blushed, he literally shouted to the room. In an instant, I saw the purple colored haired guy that I saw last two days ago.

"(L-L/N)-san....osu"he said while I smiled

"H-how's the sweets that I gave to you for a taste test, Hyodo-kun?"I asked then he looks down at me, I noticed that Settsu-kun and Miyoshi-senpai hang out with the other actors

"T-they taste good......"I just heard the first part and then mumbled the last part

"What? I'm sorry, can you repeat that, Hyodo-kun...?"I asked while he looks away and rubbed his neck

"....'s nothin'...."he said while I looked at him and smiled

"Well okay! H-h-hey uh.....can you come to Veludo Arts University....tomorrow...? My a-aunt actually wanted me to send some sweets on her shop so she and Chiyoko-chan can taste it....."I said as he looks at me

"M-me? I mean sure.....but why me?"Hyodo-kun asked then I blushed

"U-um.....y-you're my chosen one...?"I asked while he blushed and hide his face with his big hands.....I blinked and looked at him

"A-are you okay, Ju-chan?"I heard Muku Sakisaka's voice while Hyodo-kun nodded

".....why do you have to be so....fuckin' cute....?"Hyodo-kun mumbled as I blushed and smiled

"....I-I do not know...."I said then Miyoshi-senpai suddenly grabbed my back and Hyodo-kun's back.

"You guys are boring to watch!"he said then he pushed both mine and Hyodo-kun's lips together....I widened my eyes and so did he. It's my first kiss!

"...Kazunari-san...."Hyodo-kun said while I sighed

"You guys are too boring to watch, why not we spice it up a bit?!"Miyoshi-senpai asked while I smiled a little

"I guess we are too boring.....well I gotta go and get to the pastry shop....I have work, see you tomorrow, Juza-kun~"I tried to be confident as possible and said his first name which made him blushing

"O-o-osu.....a-ano (L/N)-san....s-see you tomorrow"he said while I nodded then kissed his cheek which made me and him blush

"Yes~!"I said and then went to the shop


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