Beltway Clean Cops Meetings Pt.1 [Spencer Reid]

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I crept my way into the cold building, shame filling my body and I took a seat at the place I knew people would look least, the middle room all the way to the side, no one looks there. I've had almost a year clean and in that span, I've managed to get through police and FBI trainy and made it all the way to the doorstep of the BAU. I knew I need this though, I had to go to a meeting, the last time I went to one was two months ago.

a man stepped up to the upper floor area. "hello, I'm John the meeting organizer, the meeting has officially started now, please take a seat." every one that was left standing took a seat, he spoke again "please raise your hand if you would like to share first" two people raised their hands and he chose a short redhead, it appeared she was a regular here, she just talked about her week and what happened. somewhere toward the middle of the meeting I had finally grown a pair of balls and rose my hand.

my hands were sweaty as I walked up to stand in front of everyone. I whipped my hands on my jeans. why was I nervous? I had done this a million times. "Hi, uh, my names Y/N, and I'm an Alcoholic and a Drug addict." they all replied with a customary 'hi Y/N' i smiled lightly at it. "um this is my first meeting in two months, but I think i should start off with why I started using?" I glanced quickly at john he nodded.

"ok well, I was born a 'rape baby' as most was call it, so I was kind of fucked from the beginning" I chuckled lightly at the slight humor in my voice. "my mom left me with a one-year-old and a cancer-ridden father, I think the last memory I had of her before she left was her and my dad fighting, she started crying after my dad punched her, I ran after her and we hand this door with a glass panel, she slammed it so hard the glass broke and fell all over my legs, I had blood all over me, then the cops hauled my mom away after she took the blame for it. I think she only did it to get away, I mean why else would she?" they all shrugged at my last statement.

"my dad even made me clean that up, my hands were covered in cuts and had shards of glass in them, anyways after that he beat me for years and years until I was 10 so that what... five or six years? the only reason it stopped was because he sold our trailer and moved into an RV with his crack ass girlfriend, so my grandma took me in" I sighed and continued my 'story' "then when I was 15 he kidnapped me for six months, he held me in a shitty two-bedroom for two months, barely feeding me and abusing me to his hearts content" I laughed again at the words I chose.

"anyways, the police worked on my case for five months before calling in the FBI and they found me in a month. when they did I had lost almost a hundred pounds and I was so beat up they probably wouldn't have known it was me if they hadn't been looking. the only things I remembered from those months were being brought there, a few punches and kicks and then being saved" I swallowed the large lump in my thought containing a sob.

"This guy Reid everyone called him, I never knew his first name and I wish I had so I could thank him again even though it was the only thing I said for 5 minutes straight when he found me. the only reason they sent him in they said was that he was only one that could fit through the door, a dresser was blocking it actually" I thought they should know why the door was blocked, lord knows i would have. "all I know after that was that I passed out and then I woke up in the hospital a month later." my hands were balled so tightly my fingernails dug into my palm, it hurt.

"then after that, I smoked weed for the first time and I wanted the feeling to stay, so I used anything I could get my hands on- except meth, that's what my dad used so ya'know kind of an automatic no-go" an awkward laugh followed. "but for the past almost year I've been clean. I worked my ass all the way to the BAU section of the FBI to be the people who helped me, and to make sure they don't follow the path I did after what I went through. I'm starting tomorrow actually, I'm even meeting my team, that's not the reason I got sober though."

I took a deep breath in and let it out. "last year I got high on Christmas and burnt down his Christmas tree. he was 17 and he had just gotten his own apartment so it was his first Christmas there. he said he hated me and threw me out, and you know what I did? I went and got drunk the same night. but now I'm sober for him and were talking again, I'm going to see him for the first time after this meeting since Christmas" I smiled and took another deep breath. "so in conclusion, I'm thankful for my sobriety"

Spencers POV

What the fuck

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