Tutor Pt.1 [Pope Heyward]

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Warnings: child abuse, Self harm (minor mentions) swearing, smoking (pot, mentioning) and Pope being the HOTTEST mf.

Word count: 1,401 words

"I dont need a fucking tutor anut Jenny! My grades are fine! I got all Bs except in math!" I yelled as I ran up the stairs her following. "Exactly Y/n! You need to be at your top game if you want Ivy League!" I rolled my eyes at her words. I never wanted this, I never wanted this life. One year ago I was living with my grandma on the cut with my four best friends in the world only to be cut short when my aunt decided to put her in a home all the way across the country in California. I go every weekend to see here and make sure shes doing good. My grandma loved my friends, always let them crash in my room, she always said that pope had eyes for me and it made me laugh, I would always say "grandmama he would never date me, if he has eyes for anyone it would be Kiara" because that was the truth, he was in love with kiara, it crushed me to see them kiss, it was only once thank god, if I had to see it again I'd probably die. The last time I saw them was after John B and Sarah died.

My Aunt Jenna and my Uncle Clyde literally drug me from that tent. When I got into the back of their car my Uncle Clyde turned and socked me. The next thing I knew I woke up in the figure 8 in a bed with my face swollen and my hand chained to the head board. It was a month until I got yard privileges and two months until I got to see my grandma. "Ivy league is your dream, not mine! I never wanted this! I want to be back with my grandma and friends!" My grandma was the best, all my friends loved her she bought us weed even smoked with us once. I knew I couldn't get out of this, I didnt have a choice, I still fought though, I dont why. She raced up the stairs and I knew what that meant. I ran to my room and slammed the door catching her fingers in it. "Ahhhh!" She yelled and pulled her hand from the door. "Punk ass bitch!" She yelled, slamming the door open and slapping me so hard I heard ringing in my ear, it had finally stopped too. She grabbed my hair and pulled me up and through me against the wall and that was the last thing I heard.


I woke up to an alarm blaring. I shot up and looked around, at the end of my bed there was an outfit and a concealer bottle with a post it reading cover the bruising. I looked in the mirror and saw the same stuff I usually saw on my face. I cover it as much as possible and put on the outfit, god it made want to vomit. It was a long sleeved tshirt with dark blue Jean's. "Y/n sweetie your tutors here!" Clyde yelled from the stairs. I could feel vomit rising "just a second!" I yelled back and ran to my bathroom vomiting in the sink when I couldn't make it to the bathroom. It was nothing but acid, I brush my teeth and rand down the stairs only being caught my the neck of my shirt. "Listen, we have to leave while you get tutor lesson, ward need us so behave" he said quietly and I nodded. "Yes sir" I muttered and he pushed me back out of the kitchen. I walked slowly to the living room see the person I thought I'd never see again.


It was like my heart was in throat instead and bile acid. He raised his eyes brows for a moment in a way of say 'dont act weird' I swallowed my heart and sat down in front of him, my leg bouncing relentlessly. "Right sweeting we'll see you in about thirty minutes kay?" Jenna said from the kitchen and I turned putting best smile on and waving. "Okay, love you" she smiled and they both left through the door, right as I heard the click I was over the desk, hugging him and holding on to him for dear life. His arms where around my waist tight and I could feel tears in my eyes. "Tell me this is real, this isnt some knock out dream" I said and he laughed pulling away from me, looking at my face, my s/c was covered in lavender blotches. "Oh my god" he muttered moving some of my hair. "What the hell did they do to you?" He asked pressing his fingers on one of the blotches making me wince. "Ow" I mumbled swatting his hand away. "How did you get here? Hows JJ and Kiara? Are they ok? Did you get into college? Are you Kiara still together? Has JJ gone to prison?" My question tumbled one after another and he shook his head. "No Kiara and I never where a thing really, and JJs not in prison, and no im not in college" he said and I absorbed the information.

"So this where you've been?" He said looking around the house and I nodded. "Yeah, its hell with a polish finish" he laughed. "Can I take pictures of the bruising? That way we can show it to the police and get you out of here and bring grandma back Kiara said her dad would help us with the forms to get her out of the home" this man had an entire plan. I nodded and we walked to the kitchen he scrubbed off the concealer and when he saw the deep purple color he nearly started crying. "Pope it's ok, it's just a bruise. Now hurry up and take the picture before they get back." He nodded and pulled his phone out taking a photo. "I have more" my voice was a whisper and he closed his eyes with a sigh.

I turned aroun and pulled up my shirt up my back, there where new and healing bruises, a few cuts on it from my aunts ring. I heard clicking and turned around so he could see my stomach, I pulled up my sleeves and he looked at my arms seeing my cuts but that along with more bruises. "Y/n... this is..." I didnt let him finish I put my finger against his lips. "Dont call it what it is, please" I said and he squeezed his eyes shut. "Pope how did you even organize this?" I asked pulling my shirt back down. "It was actually Kie, she was at work and heard your aunt and uncle talking about you needing a tutor, she told me and then I obviously volunteered, kie told me to come in get pictures of any abuse, or anything to try to get you out of here because she said you stayed with them as kid and she tell me the details but they were more than rough. And of theres no evidence we would have come at 3 am and snuck you out through your window." He said and I laughed. "Nice try with that one einstein, my window is super glued shut" we walked back to the living room and talked, catching up on everything until the door opened, when that happened he started talking about calculus, I didnt need to know that but I listened none the less, I loved his voice. "So what does it equal?" He asked and I blinked for a moment. "What?" I asked and I could hear Jenna sigh from the kitchen. "What's the final add up?" He asked, he mouthed 25 and I said "um... 25?" He nodded and started closing up his books. "Well I think that was enough for today. It was nice meeting you Y/n, I look forward to tutoring you again" I almost laughed at his words. "Me too" he walked to the door, smiled at me, waved to my aunt and uncle then left.

Almost there, he said he was reporting as soon as he leaves.

Alright, he shouldn't be aloud to look so damn good, but yet he does.

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