Tutor Pt. 2 [Pope Heyward]

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We were sitting at the dinner table when the door bell rang. "Go get the door" Clyde said and I stood up, I knew who it was and I nearly ran to the door. I opened the door and it was two police officers and I could just feel the relief rush over me. "Mrs. L/n?" I nodded, the smile wide on my face. "Are they inside?" Their voices were quieted and I nodded. A female cop came behind them and brought me outside to the cop car. She asked me questions and I answered each one, the two offercers that were at the door drug Jenny and Clyde out of the house throwing them in separate cop cars. "Alright Hun, were gonna take you to the station, take some pictures of the bruises, then we have some of your friends there, the heyward family offered to foster you so we gave them right away to" she said. He put me in the backseat, helping me with the squad car seat belt. My knees bounced together, I hadn't been outside for so long, just seeing the island out side of the car window made my heart thump.

Once we got to the station I could see JJ, Kiara, and Pope. I didnt care about the officer that was holding my arm. I broke out and ran over to them, jumping into the closest persons arms. "I missed you, crazy!" JJ yeldon twirling me around. He always called me crazy that was his nick name for me. It was all because of a dare in ninth grade. "I missed you!" Kiara jumped in, and then Pope. We separated and I hugged each of them individually. "Oh bitch, your hair!" Kiara grabbed some of it. "I know, they wanted me blonde" I made a fake gagging noise.

After a while of visiting the cops took me back and got the photos of the marks, took my side and they me go to the Heywards. They brought us all back to their house, the H.M.S pouge was docked at their dock. After they helped me put my stuff in the spare bedroom they had. (Not even a suit case full)  they let us go out on the boat, we found I nice plase in the glades to float. It was when JJ pulled out a ice box filled with beer. "Alright Y/n we have something to tell you, but we had to wait till we were out on water" he said and Kiara quickly grabbed one along with Pope, and then him handing me one. "John B and Sarah are alive" he said and I sighed, the familiar jolt of pain I got each time hear their name run through my heart. "That's not funny JJ" I mumbled and he shook his head. Kiara brought her phone out, pressing the screen until a facetime screen popped up. The names Jace Caled at the top. "Huh?" I looked over atbhe until the screen opened with Sarash face. "Holy shit!" I yelled and she yelled "oh my god!" At the same time. "Your- What the fuck! Your alive?!" She nodded and John b ran up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist. "You too!?" They nodded. "Yeah, were at the Bahamas waiting for things to cool down! Were getting you guys tickets to come here though soon!" I was so confused until it hit me. "You go the gold!?" After about half and hour of them talking and showing me their house.

Within an hour JJ and Kiara were drunk as Pope and I remained semi-sober. I had my knees up to my chest as I sat next to him with a blanket over my shoulders. "I missed this" I mumbled and he smiled down at me. "Me too, it's nice to have you back" he said and I looked over a him. "You still smoke, and buy still smoke I mean did you continue to smoke after that brief downward spiral?" He laughed and nodded. "Yes, yeah I do" he said and I looked over at JJ. "Hey, do you have any weed?" He nodded. "Of fucking course" he pulled out a joint from his shirt pocket handing it to me. I took the lighter from him and lit it, breathing it the rough smoke. "Here" I handed it to him and he took a hit, then another and gave it back.

"Fuck that's good" I muttered taking another. By the time we finished the joint we were staring at the sky, trying to find some constellations. "Is that- that kind of looks like a flower? I dont know anymore" I laughed as I tried to point it out for him. "Inkind of see it, it's like a-uh-uh what are they called- sun flowers! That's it!" I rolled my eyes and sat up, pushing me hair back. I looked over at the other side of the boat, JJ and Kiara were passed out, arms hanging over the boat. "We should get back" I mumbled and he looked over. "Yeah probably" I put my hand our for hima nd he took it and I helped pull him up. "Alright I might be a bit rusty on boat driving, so I'm sorry" he grabbed a beer and cracked it open. I started the boat and slowly turned it around. The drive was slow, it took almost an hour to bet bavk to dock, I was slow that way i wouldn't wake up JJ or Kiara.

We got to the dock and we tied the boat up. "What do you think, blanket over them and leave them out here or drag them inside?" He thought for a moment and grabbed the blanket I had on. "Ya snooze, ya loose." He said and i laughed. "Sleep tight guys" we worked our.way into the house, being as quiet as possible until the lights turned on behind us. "So... 4:20 AM?" His mom asked and he started laughing. "What?" I asked, I hadn't got the joke yet until a moment later. "Ohhhh that's funny" I laughed and she rolled her eyes. "Bedrooms now" she said and I suppressed the last of my laughs. "I'm sorry Mrs. Heyward, it wont happen again" she nodded nd Pope amd I walked back to our rooms. "Goodnight" I said looking to him as he opened his door. "Goodnight" he said and I walked in shutting the door.

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