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i woke up the next day completely exhausted, i had been overthinking the whole night i didn't even realize the sun was already rising.

why was i so bothered over something i shouldn't even care about? yes niki and karl were close but it didn't mean anything, right?

me and karl didn't even mean anything, just because i'm "coffee girl" doesn't mean shit.

i walked into my bathroom to shower and get dressed for the day. i was going to try and just relax today, i needed the rest.

to be quite honest, i napped for most of the day-which led me to accidentally ignore all of karl's texts.

good morning!
did i do something

holy shit i'm so sorry
i've been sleeping like all day today lmao
but good..evening?? i guess??

george kinnie
speaking of george, i know you haven't really talked to him or the others yet
but we are going to london to surprise him on his birthday and we kinda had an extra ticket because fundy couldn't go
we were wondering if you wanted to come with?
u can meet my friends and stuff and yeah they wanna meet u too
i mean obviously if u don't want to, i'm not trying to force anything
i know this is kinda so soon
i've asked other people if they want to go but everyone is so busy and this is very last minute :/

i stared at my phone in shock. famous people?? wanna?? meet??? me????? streamers who have millions of fans want me to go travel with them? am i dreaming?

and so a few days went by and i was packing for brighton; another impulsive decision of mine i guess you could say.

i had packed clothes, my laptop, chargers, other necessary stuff-i was ready to meet everyone.

let me tell you, when i was boarding the plane i wanted to shit my pants because i was so nervous.

time skip bc i'm kinda lazy -_-

i stepped off the plane to meet the slightly polluted breeze of london. honestly, the uk was a pretty place-tommy talked about it too fucking much for it to be a trash hole.

a breeze slightly blew my hair into my face, i squinted as i adjusted to the sunlight from being stuck in the plane for so long.

and once again, felt like shitting my pants.

karl wanted to take the same flight together but to be honest, i feel like i wouldn't have enough social energy to be on a flight with him then meet everyone. i told him the truth and he was actually very nice about it.

the plan was to meet at wilburs house and then from there go to george's. i honestly felt bad because part of our plan was also to ignore george on his birthday and act like we "forgot".

i was the first one to arrive at wilburs, talk about awkward. it was my first time meeting him in real life obviously, but damn was he even more good looking in real life.

"holy shart is that wilbur soot" i yelled as i ran into his arms, embracing in a hug.

"y/n! nice to meet you!" he yelled back, hugging me tight.

"i can't believe i'm the first one here, i was expecting tommy to be here since you know he lives closer" i said as i stepped inside his place, putting down my bags.

"yeah his mom has to drive him though, if he could drive he probably would've been knocking at my door at 6 am" he laughed.

he offered me something to eat and a glass of water. i was hungry since the flight was so long, i was also super tired.

"can i lay here" i asked yawning while pointing to his couch.

"feel free" he nodded.

i climbed on to the couch and soon fell asleep-it was comfy.

i woke up to the sound of tommy yelling.


i opened my eyes and said sleepily, "coffee girl aka
y/n, good day tommy" i said, mocking his accent.

"ELLO Y/N SORRY TO WAKE YOU" he shouted.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS IS MY NORMAL VOICE?" it felt like he was yelling at me in all caps.

as my eyes starting to become less blurry from sleeping, i realized tubbo-toby was also standing there, with a stupid smile on his face.

"i'm so happy that everyone is gonna be together" he smiled.

i smiled as well, his personality felt so contagious.

"stop with that cheesy shit man" tommy turned to him.

as the boys settled next to me in the couch, we heard another knock.

and guess who came walking in.

karl jacobs.

i know i've seen him before but, it felt like i was meeting him for the first time again. i immediately felt frozen as the boys ran up to him to embrace him in a hug. i stayed laying on the couch, just staring at him like a stalker.

"where's my hug mamas" he said jokingly to me as he walked over, arms open.

i laughed and got up to hug him, i didn't wanna leave his arms. maybe it was the soft forest green sweater he was wearing, and maybe it was also the way he smelled.

maybe it was also the way i could feel myself slowly falling for him even more.

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