the ending

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"good morning" i walked into the kitchen to see george, tommy, tubbo, niki, and wilbur were already up.

"morning" niki waved.

"good morning" george yawned.

"did you sleep well?" wilbur asked.

i nodded.

tommy and tubbo were both sitting on the couch joking around about something.

"i was thinking we could go walk around london today" wilbur suggested.

"yes!" i nodded.

"boring" george sighed.

"shut up" i kicked george.

once everyone woke up we headed out. the weather was actually very pretty. it reminded me of the day i met karl.

"this weather is how it was like when we first met" i was hugging karls arm as we walked.

he looked up at the blue sky, the clouds were puffy-almost resembling marshmallow fluff. the air felt clear, despite the air pollution. there was a slight breeze causing my hair to slightly blow behind me.

"remember when you didn't know who i was" he laughed.

"yeah and then i saw you on stream chugging a monster and i was like uhhh" i joked back.

"all thanks to my stream" george budded into the conversation, "you better thank me for this" he pointed to us.

"yes thank you gogy" i smiled.

"thanks george i'll pop off with you on stream as a thanks" karl laughed.

"george come look at this!" dream called out in front of us causing george to leave the conversation.

we walked in silence for a little, listening to our friends chatter in front of us. tommy's voice was still the loudest out of everyones.

as i held on to karl, a feeling of happiness overwhelmed me. it was crazy how this was my life now. a few months ago i would've never dreamed that i would be here, with these people.

grateful, thats what i was. grateful for all my amazing friends, the memories (the good and bad), my boyfriend, and everything.

and although we've all been through a lot, we're still here walking through the middle of london.

"isn't it crazy that this all happened because i bumped into you and spilled my coffee" i laughed.

"well that is why everyone knows you as coffee girl" he laughed.

"kinda cringe isn't it" i smiled.

"a little bit" he nodded.

if i had never bumped into karl on that one day, i wouldn't be here. if i didn't see this cute ass boy chugging a monster on stream i wouldn't be here. crazy how my choices led me to be exactly where i am now.

"i'm so happy to have you" i put my hand on his fluffy hair.

"CRINGEEE" he turned red.

"STOP" i hid my face.

"i'm kidding i'm happy to have you too" he pulled me closer.

there have been so many ups and downs throughout our relationship, but it's led to this-an even stronger relationship.

"cringe you guys are so gross" tommy stopped walking and waited for us to catch up.

"oh shut up at least i have a woman" karl laughed.

"i actually have a ton of women for your information" he frowned.

"oh really where are they" i asked.

"it's none of your business" he rolled his eyes.

"you know it's weird how tall you are" i said.

"weird? you mean immensely attractive?" he joked.

"no" i sighed.

"fuck you" he continued to walk again, going over to wilbur and niki to bother them.

"he's an odd one" i told karl.

we spent the rest of the day walking and driving and eating at random places. but we ended the day sitting by a small lake in the middle of london.

the sun was setting, leaving traces of purple and pink hues in the sky. the puffy clouds from earlier illuminating the colors and reflecting off the tall buildings that surrounded us. it was beautiful.

there was a sense of euphoria in the air, nothing but the sounds of each other talking and laughing (and occasional screaming from alex and tommy).

wilbur had started to take photos of all of us sitting down together, constantly saying, "these photos are so good guys i might just make a scrapbook of today."

this whole day felt like one big memory i would look back on for years, something i would treasure for years. these friendships i have formed were something special to me, i would never trade it for anything else.

i buried myself closer to karl, his warmth illuminating my true bliss even more.

it wasn't long until the sun had completely set, leaving the small group of twitch streamers by the lake in complete darkness.

but although light no longer lingered in the sky, the happiness within our group stayed the same-everyone illuminating each other.

the laughs and smiles and random yelps, i couldn't help but feel utterly content. content with my life, everything that has gotten me here, the memories we all shared.

we all watched the stars above us, the beautiful night sky reflecting into my eyes.

a shooting star.

"MAKE A WISH" tommy yelled.

"A SHOOTING STAR" alex shouted.

"OH MY GOD" niki pointed.

"DREAM LOOK" george shouted.

"SHH GEORGE MAKE A WISH" sapnap playfully punched george.

"it's so pretty!" tubbo pointed at the sky.

i closed my eyes and made a wish.

"what'd you wish for?" karl asked.

"if i say it, it won't come true" i smiled.

i wish we could all stay like this forever.

i really hoped my wish would come true. that we would all stay in this complete euphoria for forever.

"i love you" i softly said to the blushing boy next to me.

his expression turned gentle as he slowly started to smile like an idiot, "i love you too" he beamed.

i guess i could say he was kinda cute.

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