
33.3K 961 1.7K

we streamed for an hour more or so, totaling the viewer count with a massive 100k-i couldn't even fathom the fact that so many people were watching me.

i also gained quite the following on twitter, people tagging me in fan art of me and karl drinking coffee-ironic because we both don't even like coffee.

i was happy the stream went so well, everyone was so supportive and karl made it feel like i was just talking to him, i even forgot we were streaming at one point.

the next few weeks i grew a lot closer to him. however, he was busy a lot with work and his own streams so we couldn't find time to meet up in real life.

but, we both didn't mind just texting and facetiming. we talked every hour of the day, about the most random shit or even serious topics.

plus, the clip of me and karl confessing our minecraft love for each other was all over twitter. i would constantly get tagged in the clip of it, and sometimes even rewatch it.

i woke up and checked my phone to a ton of notifications, all from twitter.

i opened the app to see karl tweeted something on his second account that a TON of people were tagging me in.


i'm falling for someone.

*1 image attached*

the image attached was a blurry image of him smiling, and slightly blushing.

i knew the damn tweet was about me.

i checked the replies and laughed. the whole ass dream smp was there.

@y/u don't steal my man bruh

is this about @y/u

@y/u this u?


there were other replies but i was too eager to write my own that i didn't read the rest.

no way! me too! :]

i didn't even think twice before tweeting it. it immediately got a reaction. 10k likes on my tweet in five minutes.


idk i bumped into him and the man made me spill my coffee everywhere :(

that sucks dude, he must be pretty charming for you to still like him after that

i laughed at my phone and got out of bed. i genuinely couldn't believe all of this was happening.

the tweet was basically viral in the minecraft community. the thread of replies was full of a ton of dream smp members.

i sat on my bed that evening watching the sunset, and just thinking about how much my life has changed in such little time-all because of a awkward freckled boy i accidentally bumped into.

and like it was on cue, i got a notification from my phone.

karljacobs went live

i laid down and clicked on his stream. he was playing on the smp with niki, they were building a "winter wonderland".

i wasn't jealous of niki and karl, i knew they were just friends. plus, i've heard good things about her-she is apparently the nicest person in the world.

there were quite a lot of people who would ship them though, and after karl went on her love or host-it was a huge thing about how they would look cute together.

to be honest, i was slightly jealous but it wasn't like me and karl were dating anyways. i couldn't be sad about something i didn't even have the right to be sad over.

the title of karl's stream was "date with niki!"

it was fun watching them talk, they got along so well together.

now come to think of it, their conversations flowed easier than mine and karl's did. plus they did know each other for longer.

i told myself not to worry and clicked out of his stream. sometimes i think i'm too sensitive to be around anyone-i'm always inevitably jealous.

like my mom has always told me, "there will always be someone to replace you".

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