What's Christmas?(Darlingpan)

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Wendy sat in her treehouse, away from Pan and the lost boys, she needed a break, tonight was Christmas Eve, at home she would probably be in the kitchen with Geroge, Micheal, even maybe Bae making cookies. A warm tear slid down her face, "What's wrong, darling?" Pan asked as he appeared beside her. "Everything,"

"You miss your brothers, don't you,"

"I miss my family,"

"The lost boys can be your family, I dare say I'm included in that bunch,"

"But tonight's Christmas, my brothers and I would always stay up as late as we could on Chrismas Eve,"

"I had traditions with my-"

"But it's the holidays,"

"The holidays?"

"Oh right, well Christmas is a holiday we put an evergreen tree in our living rooms, we spend it with our family by having a large feast on Christmas day, which is tomorrow, and on Christmas morning we exchange gifts with each other," Wendy told him as her face lit up.

"Sounds wonderful,"

"It is, but I won't see anything like that this year," Wendy's face completely deflated. Pan smirked, he had an idea. 


"Tell me more about this Christmas," Pan commanded the mirror at skull rock, who informed him about everything Wendy missed. 

Pan transported back to the camp and summoned all his lost boys. Most of them feared him, but they loved Wendy. "Boys!" Pan shouted, as everyone quickly stopped chatting, fighting, wrestling, flying, and/or fencing. "Yes Pan?" They all said in unison.

"We are going to go something special for Wendy, and you all are helping,"


"Yes, Harry?"

"My name is actually Hen-"

"What was your question?"

"What are we doing?"



Wendy shivered, as she felt a chill through the window, she went over to it and saw snow. "It doesn't snow in Neverland, Pan hates the cold," She whispered to herself. 

"That he does, darling," Pan stated as he appeared behind her, "I was wondering if you know how to ice skate?"

"Of course I do, why?"

"Could you teach me?"

Wendy looked at him, trying to figure out what he was doing, the great Pan didn't need to be taught anything, "don't you already know?"

"Just because I know how to summon deranged, evil souls of the dead does not mean I can do any winter sports. You know what is also something I want to do?"

"I can only imagine,"

"Go tobogganing," 

Wendy laughed, "You on a toboggan?"

Pan lifted his eyebrow as he chuckled, "Is it that hard to picture?"

"Yes, times a thousand,"

"Then I suppose, Ms. Darling, we are going on a toboggan adventure and then ice skating,"

"You're being freakishly normal right now,"

"Snow clothes are in the closet," Pan told her as he disappeared. Wendy rushed over to the closet and put on the warm clothing. 


"You don't know how to do this?" Wendy asked as she climbed in the toboggan. 

"Nope," Pan replied.

They slid down the hill, that was covered in six feet of snow. Wendy fell over, and rolled down, laughing. Pan thought she was crying so he rushed over to her, "Are you alright, Wendy-bird?" 

"That was the most fun I've had on the island, Peter," She replied, as Pan helped her up.

'She called me by my name, no one does,' Peter thought to himself, "Ice skating then?"

"We shall," 


"Felix, how do you like the flower crown I made for Wendy?" One of the younger lost boys asked Felix. "I don't get paid enough for this," he mumbled, being second-in-command, he was to help the lost boys 'make Christmas'. "You do realize what Pan's doing right?" He asked the lost boys, they all shook their heads, "Pan has a crush on Wendy and has just now realized what a jerk he's been, so he's doing a grand gesture to make Wendy completely forget that he is keeping her against her will," Most of the boys, being so young, didn't understand, the older ones laguhed. "Pan couldn't love someone if he wanted to,"

"I thought Pan and Wendy were already in love," one of the smaller boys stated, causing Felix, and the older one to burst out laughing, "that's a good one, oh your serious,"

"When did I mention love? How do any of you even know what love is?" Felix asked them.

"Wendy's stories!" The younger boys exclaimed at once.

"Do you think Wendy and Pan have had true love's kiss?" One of the younger boys asked.

"Why did I say anything?" Felix mumbled, walking away.


"Goodnight, Darling," Pan told her. 

"Goodnight, Peter, and thank you,"



"There is one Christmas thing I've always wondered about," Pan mentioned.

"That is?"

"Mistole," Pan replied looking into her eyes, Wendy's gaze flickered up to the ceiling where the plant appeared, "How do-"

"I have my ways, may I?" Pan asked if he could kiss her, Wendy pressed her lips to his.

"Goodnight, Pan," 


"Wendy! Come down here!" Pan excitingly exclaimed.

"Yes, Pan?" Weendy drowsily asked, "it's only seven in the morning,"

"It's Christmas morning, the lost boys have a surprise for you," 


"Merry Christmas!" the lost boys exclaimed as Wendy walked into the main camp, there was a massive Christmas tree decorated beautifully, and a bunch of presents. Felix was in the corner, very annoyed, probably because on of the lost boys made him put on a Santa hat. "Pan did you do this?" 

"I might've given them the idea,"

"Thank you," Wwndy told him as the lost boys pulled her over to the tree.

"Anything for you, Wendy-bird,"


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