A Very Merry Christmas

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A/N this is a year after the end, the Quagmires' and Baudelaires' first Christmas together.

"The Earth is flat. Cartography isn't a real thing. Africa is a country," Duncan said trying to anger his brother, "Duncan, I know you're just trying to be annoying," Quigley told him, then Duncan evily smirked, "Violet Baudelaire is ugly," then Quigley jumped out of his chair, "YOU TAKE THAT BACK THIS INSTANT,"

"And so is your hair,"


"Love you too, brother dearest,"

"Duncan stop angering Quigley and help Sunny," Isadora told him, walking into the Quagmire boys' room. "But he's so funny when he's angry,"

"And Quigley, don't muder your brother,"

"Why not? Your weaking the gene pool,"

"Yes, but it you have blood on your hands there is no way to make it look like an accident,"

"I'm your brother too, Issy,"

"Sure, keep telling yourself that,"

"We're triplets, we have the excat same face," Duncan pointed out. Isadora and Quigley looked at each other and shrugged, "Quigley, your girlfriend is stressing out over her invention-"

"I'll go help her out," Quigley interrupted, leaving the room. 

"I can't believe we are here with the Baudelaires, safe," Duncan thought out loud. Isadora shrugged, "Yeah, I'm going to go steal a few cookies, wanna come?" Duncan nodded and followed his sister out the door. 


"What's wrong, my love?" Quigley asked, running into Violet's inventing room. Violet was looking at her machiene very carefully, her hair tied up out of her face, "I'm trying to figure this motor out for the train I'm building for Beatrice," Beatice had recently taken an interest in automobiles, so Violet was building a rollercoaster-like train for the backyard, nothing too crazy. Afterall, Bea is only two. "Maybe you should take a little break," Violet glanced up at him.

"You're really cheesy, you know that?"

"What are you refering to?"

"Look up," Quigley did so and saw a mistletoe hanging above him.

"Sunny's work?"

"Yep, she also put camera's up, but she doesn't know that I know that,"

"That kid really wants us to kiss in front of her,"

"Or on video,"Violet added, continuing to fiddle with the wires on her invention. Quigley walked over to her, and untied her hair ribbion, "Your focusing too hard, it'll be easier after a short break,"

"Eat cookies or be productive? I'll go with be productive,"


"I know, I know," Violet stood up, "let's go annoy Klaus," 

"Violet, who's the cheesy one now?" Violet rolled her eyes and kissed Quigley.

"It is a holiday tradition afterall, Mr. Quagmire,"

"I never disagreed, Ms. Baudelaire,"


"Bookworm! Get up, go be social in the living room," Violet exclaimed pulling the book out of Klaus's hands, A tale of two Cities, "And why are you reading something so depressing on Christmas Eve?"

"It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known," Klaus recited.

"Don't get all hippie on us now!" Duncan exclaimed, coming in the room with a plate of cookies, Klaus reached out to take one, "Go steal your own cookies,"

"Duncan, I will tell them your middle name,"

"Take as many as you want! Here take them all,"

"Wait, come to think of it, I don't even know your middle name," Quigley thought out loud. "Yeah, well, your a bad triplet,"

"Silly, baby brother, did you have any of the grown-up drink, you are only ten,"

"We're the same age,"

"Don't talk back to your elders," Isadora said, coming in the library.

"Why are you all in one place of escape?" a very frustrated Klaus asked the group. "Because your 'one place of escape' has the best wifi signal," Isadora told him, pulling her phone out. 

"I THINK WE HAVE A PROBLEM!" Sunny yelled over the intercom system that was throughout the mansion. "What did you do now, Sunny?"

"Look out the window,"

Sure enough there was Carmelita Spats and Fiona Widdershins walking up the stairs. "SOMEBODY HIT THE PANIC BUTTON! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!" Duncan exclaimed, hidding behind a couch. Isadora locked herself in the kitchen, because, food. Klaus grabbed his book from Violet and ran as fast as he poossible could into his room. Violet and Quigley shared a worried look. 

A very Merry Christmas, indeed.

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