Spy vs. Spy (Quiglet)

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"Violet, dear, can't you wear something a little more elegant?" Queen Beatrice asked her daughter. "Fine, Mother, but I don't see why I have to marry someone I don't even know,"

"It's the life of a royal, we need a connection with Winnepeg, and I heard Prince Quigley is quite charming, remember he'll be over at five," Queen Beatrice left the room. Princess Violet opened her laptop, she should be on a video call with a secret organization/ cult called VFD right now. "Hello guys,"

"Princess Violet, how great of you to show up," Esme commented sarcastically.

"I'm sorry I got caught up,"

"We have an assignment for you," Olaf said.


"You know Prince Quigley of Winnipeg?" Esme asked.

"Yes, he's coming to the palace at five,"

"We need him dead, he's with the noble side, anyways, don't ask to many questions and don't let him charm you too much," Esme told her.

"Okay, got it, kill Prince Quigley,"

"Ta-ta," Esme said as she ended the call.


"Lovely to meet you, Princess Violet," Quigley greeted.

"How do you do?" Violet asked.

"Just fine, and you?"

"I'm fine as well,"

"Perhaps, you two can take a stroll and get to know each other while Queen Beatrice and I discuss some matters of business," Queen Karen suggested.

"Yes mother, shall we, Violet?"

"Yes," The tow went out to the gardens. 

Quigley POV

I had heard Princess Violet was pretty, but she was stunning, her dark brown hair was in a bun along with a diamond tirara. She had icy blue eyes, and I could tell she was just as trapped as I was. "Do you have a hobby?" I asked her.

"Not one you would approve of,"

"And how did you come to that conclusion?"

"Well if your like any of the other royals I know,"

"I can guarantee I'm not," 

"I like to shoot and invent," she answered, "in case you're wondering, I shoot to kill," I noticed the whole time she was avoiding eye contact, until she said the last sentence. Violet looked me dead in the eyes. "I prefer maps, but shooting is good sometimes," I told her, "and it's a great stress reliever," 

"Do you like swimming, Prince Quigley?" She asked as we walked closer to the lake, "my mother used to let me swim in this lake when I was little, but once I turned fourteen I wasn't allowed near it,"

"Yes I do swim, but did you like swimming?"

"Yes, I did, it was a great sense of freedom,"

"My mom won't let my sister swim ether, she thinks it's too improper for a young lady to, but that doesn't stop Issy,"

"You have a sister?"

"I have a sister and a brother, we're triplets, Duncan and Isadora,"

"That's wonderful, I have my younger brother and sister, Klaus and Sunny. You're different," Violet told me, continuing forward, "Is that a good thing?" I asked her, she turned her head to face me. "It depends how you look at it,"

"Do you want to go swimming?" I asked her.

"You wouldn't dare," Violete laughed, her laugh was beautiful. I smirked and went closer to her. "Oh I would," 

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