Lost (Kladora)

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Five Years After the End, I don't hate Duncan, I promise. 

"Where's Quigley?" Isadora Quagmire asked her other triplet brother as he walked in the house, alone. "We don't have to worry about him anymore," Duncan sinisterly smiled.

"What do you mean?" 

"I took care of him, he's gone now,"


"Dead, Isadora, dead,"

"You killed your own triplet?"

"He was out of line,"

"He kissed a girl that wouldn't even look in your direction and you mudered him?"

"He wanted to turn me in to the cops,"

"You've done some horrible things, like killing Fiona,"

"That dear sister was a gift for you, Klaus is all yours-"

"But we don't even know where he is," Isadora yelled as she grabbed her purse and went to the door, "Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm going to the police, I'm going to find Klaus,"

"You're not going anywhere, you can stay with me, because let's face it, Klaus never wanted you then, why would he want you now? Or you can be killed by your twin,"

"We're triplets,"

"Consider it me making up for all the times you and Quigley called yourselves twins," Duncan said harshly with a wicked laugh at the end. Isadora ran up to her room and broke down crying, 'what did I do to derseve this?' she thought to herself, then she thought about Klaus, it had been since the Village of Fowl Devotees since she last saw him, and he probably wasn't in love with her, but he would help her at least, right?

Five Years Later, the Quagmires are 24, btw

"Happy December, sis," Duncan told his triplet as she walked down the stairs. 

"This is Quigley's death date, don't sound so happy,"

"I'm the one who killed him,"

"How could I forget?" Isadora mumbled.

"Someone's in a bad mood,"

"I'm going shopping, do you need anything?" Isadora asked him.

"No, just don't be gone too long,"

"I won't be, I just need to get some new dresses,"


Isadora went back to her room, Duncan had left for 'work'. She pulled out her suitcase and passport, and packed everything she would need, including her checkbook, owning the Quagmire sapphires came in handy. Lastly she shoved her tickets to the ship in her purse and left the townhouse she had spent so many years in. 


Isadora boarded the ship, it was going to take about three weeks, but she'd be far away from Duncan, in Peru. She sat on her bed, taking a deep breath in, she was finally safe. 

Yeah, no, you are in the wrong fandom for happy endings

Until about a week later when a hurricane struck. Isadora slowly opened her eyes and studied what was around her. She seemed to be on some sort of Island or Costal Sheif. Across, by a small bit of water, she saw two girls running around, playing some kind of game. There was a land bridge that went over there. Isadora carefully stood up; her head was killing her. "Where am I?" She whispered to herself, "Hello? Is there anyone here?" She asked; it seemed to be a camp-like setting; there were these tents set up on top of a wood foundation. "Hello, ma'am? Did you wash up here?" One of the girls asked, while the other one's face lit up. "Isadora!"

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