This Christmas

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A/N four years after the end. Sorry about the last few chapters, I started binge watching the Queen's Gambit, for those of you that have seen it, do you like Beth with Benny Watts, Townes or Henry Betlik? I kind of like her with Townes.

Klaus stood in the library staring into the abyss, it was Christmas morning and he was avoiding Duncan.  "Klaus! Klaus! Violet said we can't open presents until you come into the living room,"

"Okay, okay, I'm coming," He told his little sister, who was ready to open presents two hours ago. 


"Finally you show up, cakesniffer," Beatrice said to Klaus as he walked in.

"I have taught her well," Carmelita said with tears forming in her eyes.

"Bea, what did we say about calling Uncle Klaus 'cakesniffer',"

"Oh right, sorry, Vi-vi, cakesniffing bookworm, what took you so long?"

"I'm so proud," Carmelita sniffled. 

"Can we open gifts now?" Sunny asked.

"Absolutely," Quigley responded, throwing a present to her, she caught it. "Who is it from?" Sunny asked.


Sunny quickily opened the wrapping paper. "A slow cooker!!! Thank you, Violet! Thank you!" Sunny exclaimed as she gave her older sister a hug. 

"You're welcome," Violet responded and went over to Klaus, "what are you doing?" she asked him, as he screamed. "What is it, Vi?" Klaus quickily asked closing the small journal in his hands. "Wait a second, it that Duncan's-"

"Commonplace book? I don't know...maybe..."

"It is, isn't it?"

"Shouldn't you be with Quigley? I heard he has an important question to ask you," annoyed Klaus asked his sister, "From what I've heard, you have something important to say to Duncan," Violet smirked at went over to Bea.

"O-M-G!" Bea exclaimed, "Thank you, Aunt Carmelita, thank you!" Klaus looked over, it was a massive pink bow along with a sparkly pink dress, "Great, now not only do we fear Carmelita, we fear Beatrice," Duncan said coming over to him, "am I right?"

"Yeah, your right, anyways, I found your commonplace book in the library, so here you go," Klaus answered handing him the green notebook. 

"Thanks, Klaus, you didn't read it, right?" Klaus nodded in response, "I suppose we should join the rest of the group then?"



"Quig, give Violet the present you got her," Sunny told him.

"You didn't have to get me anything," 

"Wait until you see what he got you," Beatirce told Violet.

Quigley went over to Violet, "Violet, my love," Quigley kneeled down on one knee, "Will you marry me?" 

"YES!!!" Violet replied as Quigley jumped up and kissed her.

"Told ya, cakesniffer,"

"They are adorable cakesniffers though,"Carmelita commented.

"Agreed," Duncan said coming over to the area, followed by Klaus.

"Speaking of adorable cakesniffers," Sunny told them.

"Sunny, Klaus and I are just friends," Duncan responded to her. 

"But Klaus is in love with you and your in love with Klaus, why aren't you a couple?" Beatrice exclaimed, causing both the boys to look at each other with bright red faces. "You should've seen these two a Pruffrock Prep. I shipped them then and I ship them now," Carmelita proudly told the girls.

"But you were bullying us a Pruffrock-"

"Silence annoying cakesniffing peasants," 

"Auntie Carmelita can you tell us that story again?" Sunny asked.

"Cinderella?" Klaus suggested.

"No, cakesniffer, it's Cinderella's even more adorable younger sister, Carmelita," Beatrice told them. "What have you been teaching them?" Duncan questioned the red-head. "How to be amazing, something you cakesinffers don't know,"

"Duncan, what do you say of abandoning this weirdness?"

"Let's go!" Duncan and Klaus rushed to the library.


"So, uh, about what, uh, Bea, uh, said," Klaus began, blushing furiously. 

"What Bea said?" Duncan smiled, pretending not to notice.

"So, uhh, Duncan, uh, well," Duncan cut Klaus off by kissing him. 

"Yes Klaus, I like you a lot too, now let's go ignore Carmelita and steal some more cookies. Klaus stood there and blinked, trying to process what just happened. "You coming, what should our pet name be? Sweetie? Bookworm? Come on, let's eat some cookies,"

"His name is already bookworm, Klaus is a nickname," Sunny yelled.

"Were you spying on us?"

"Klaus did you just ask your little sister, the one who has cameras everywhere, if she was spying? That's the only thing she does,"

"I know everything that happens in this house," Sunny said to no one in particular, staring into the abyss. "Well, what happened to my copy of the Hunchback of Notre Dome  then?" Klaus asked her.

"Oh, that was when we were practicing human scarfice, Duncan was with us actually, and since the books are more human than you, we sacrificed it to the hellfire that Frodo himself was lost to,"

"Okay, there is a lot of violence in that book for your age, I fully approve of reading respected literature, but maybe hold off on that-"

"She watched the Disney movie Klaus," Duncan told him.

"Oh, that makes more sense,"

"Hellfire, dark fire, that rages in my skin," Sunny sang as she skipped down the hallway. "Should we be worried?" Klaus asked Duncan.

"For your life maybe, but I'll be fine, I mean, how about that cookie?"

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