Guardian a̶n̶g̶e̶l̶ demon (Darlingpan)

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A/N I know it has been awhile, but I'm back to writing one shots. I have quite a few drafts right now, but if anyone has any requests please comment them! Don't be a silent reader!

Wendy Darling walked out of one of the many stores on Main Street, she was caught in the curse, the one that caused everyone to be in a blur. Wendy thought her name was Caroline, and she thought her younger/older brother, Micheal was her father. "Caroline, Caroline!" a little boy named Henry exclaimed. "Yes, Henry?"

"I think I know who you are," this little boy believed everyone in the town was a character from his book. For Pan, the first five years were entertaining, now it is frustrating. Pan watched everything for the last 28 years in the mirror in Skull Rock. He missed his Wendy-bird. "I don't believe I'm one of Ariel's sisters, now I really must get home before four! Good day!"

"Actually I think you're Wendy Darling," This caused Pan to shoot up and pay more close attention, would she finally remember him? "Merry Christmas, Wendy!"

"From that movie, Peter Pan?" Wendy questioned.

"Think about it, you have a fascination with the ocean, so does Wendy, you love writing and telling stories-"

"Henry, you can tell me all of this tomorrow, when we go over to your mom's house for dinner, now I need to get home, and wrap all these presents"


It was perfect, too perfect, she was going to Regina's house, the Evil Queen, the savior was in town and Henry is making her come. Pan knew today she would awake from the ignorance of the curse. "Hello, Mayor Mills," Wendy greeted which drew Pan back over to the portal of sorts.

"Hello, Caroline, merry Christmas!" The lady greeted with fake kindness, Pan scoffed, 'it would take less than a curse to know she's evil' Pan thought.

"Merry Christmas! Henry insisted I'd come," a blonde woman they would soon call the savior greeted. 'This is the woman that I have waited for to save my queen?' Pan questioned. "Ms. Swann, always a pleasure," Regina replied, sarcastically.

Dinner went off the way it should have, at the end, Regina served all her other guests a pecan tart slice, but Emma received an apple tart slice. "And, five, four, three, two-" Pan counted down.

"Mom, don't!" Henry exclaimed, pushing the plate out of her hands.

"Bae, your son is ruining everything!" Pan screamed in frustration, Pan's younger brother, Baefire, decided to visit his older brother in Neverland, until the curse broke, that or he stopped fearing Emma's logical rejection. "Don't you think it's kind of creepy that you basically stalk Wendy? And I go by Neal now,"

"Neal is a bloody awful name, besides, she knows what relationship she got herself into,"

"Does she though, because a certain curse would say she doesn't, didn't she go out on that date with that guy?"

"No, she went to a dance, and later he mysteriously disappeared,"

"What happened?"

"Nothing you need to worry about. I don't stalk her, I just watch over her. Like a guardian angel,"

"More like a guardian demon," Bae scoffed. Pan looked back to the mirror.

"Wendy?" Jon questioned.

"Jon! Micheal! It's you guys!" she exclaimed, "where is Pan?"

"Pan?" Micheal questioned.

"Oh that's right, I never told you," Wendy responded

"Where did you disappear to?" Jon asked.

"Neverland, now I need to get back, immediately."

"We're coming with you," Micheal said, looking at Jon who nodded, "the Darling children aren't being separated again"

"You aren't children," Wendy replied, walking over to the window, "I believe," Wendy closed her eyes, waiting for the shadow that never came.

"There isn't any magic here," Regina told her, walking in the room, "same reason your beloved Pan isn't here ether,"

"How do I get back?" Wendy questioned.

"You don't,"

Pan laughed, the evil queen couldn't separate them. "Bae, are you ready to face Emma?"

"No," Neal mumbled, looking away.


Pan was transported to StoryBroke to see the one person he didn't want to see. "Hello, dearie," Rumple greeted his son.

"WHY? Useless goddamn powers," Pan mumbled, looking around his surroundings, "wasn't your shop in your castle? Why do you look human... ish?"

"I know you have been eavesdropping in the town, so I don't have to explain a thing to you, go find your Queen before Regina finds you," Rumple flicked his hand and opened the door.

"How do you have magic?" Pan questioned.

"I like loopholes,"


Wendy was pacing back and forth around her room. For twenty eight years, she thought her brother was her father and the other her uncle, for twenty eight years she was ignorant to magic, fairies, mermaids, angels, demons, one demon in particular.

"Look, this curse is a shock to everyone, but we are together now, and I think that is better than anything," Micheal said, coming into the room.

"When I last saw you, you were three years old," Wendy replied.

"You were fifteen, and you are still fifteen, you don't think I find that kind of weird? Why did you leave us in the first place? We went to the enchanted forest searching for you, but you weren't there either. Where the hell were you?"

"I was in Neverland!" Wendy exclaimed, very frustrated. "Now I have to get back, the island is dying if it isn't already dead. I need to go,"

"Wendy, there is a boy here at the door, maybe sixteen years? He claims to know you," Jon said, going near the doorway.

"Forest green eyes? Chestnut brown hair? About this tall?" Wendy questioned.

"Yeah, I think so," Wendy dashed to the front door as fast as her feet could take her. "Peter?" she questioned.

And there he stood.
Her guardian demon. 

Holiday One-shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें