CEOs and Wizenmagot Meetings

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Azalea loved the look on Pepper's face when she was told of their, (Tony's officially), decision to make her the new CEO of Stark Industries. 

It was a big decision, yes, but her husband would be happier to tinker in his lab all day, and spend time with her, Teddy, Violet, and any other children they might have in the future. She loved him, but she also wasn't too soft to say that it would suit him much better. He wasn't terrible at finance and such, but Pepper would handle it much better. And Azalea wasn't even an option: she had her hands full with her own company, her S.H.I.E.L.D. work, and her kids.

 She couldn't believe Teddy would be going off to school in 2 years. He was excited, if a bit conflicted. They hadn't quite decided which school to send him to yet: on one hand, his parents and adoptive mother had gone to Hogwarts, and that's where all of his Weasley cousins would go, but on the other hand, he wanted people to look at him and see him, not his parents. He wanted to make his own way. Plus, they weren't sure if they wanted him near the still slowly improving prejudice of Magical Britain, not to mention the fame of his godmother and adoptive mother. He still had a year or two to decide though, as Tony and Azalea would with Violet, once she was at that age. 

Azalea shuddered at that though, glad that her baby was, well, a baby. She couldn't imagine parting with the little girl for more than an hour or two yet.

This was one reason why she was taking the girl with her to Britain tomorrow.  She had a feeling that something bad was going to happen....but she couldn't avoid it any longer. Azalea might not live in England anymore, but she still held some of the most important political seats on the Wizengamot, including control of Hogwarts, and she honestly didn't trust the traditional dark pure bloods who had been death eater sympathizers but never outright committed a crime to pull a power play if she was gone and they had majority.

Hopefully, it was just her anxiety from the war. They were happy right now, Violet was progressing wonderfully, and Tony had won his political case about not giving the government Iron Man suits. But...knowing her, her husband would get into some kind of trouble the moment she was out of America. It was during those times when Azalea was thankful that the world didn't know who she was: not only did it give her an element of surprise, but it also kept half of the family enemies away from her husband, daughter, and non magical friends. She couldn't protect Teddy completely from the magical media though: everyone in Magical Britain knew who his godmother was. The vice versa, Azalea thought, also applied, thank goodness. At least Azalea was only famous to magicals or people affiliated with them: many first generation magicals would have heard of Tony Stark.

What made the situation worse was that she couldn't have her phone with her, as that technology was still not on the market as of yet, and she was required to leave her communication mirror during the session, so she wouldn't be able to get any communications other than a patronus, which not only could her husband and Pepper not perform, but would also be unwise, as few in the magical community knew of her marriage. This left Azalea basically impossible to reach until they had a break in session.

As she filed into the Wizengamot Chambers, dressed fashionably in her revamped version of the ceremonial robes, she couldn't help but worry. Something simply wasn't right.


Four hours later, the Wizengamot had called for a lunch break, and Azalea hurried to pullout her mirror, dialing Mrs. Weasley first. To her relief, both of her children were apparently doing well: Molly insisted that Violet had been out like a light for a few hours, and that Teddy had been a great help to her and Arthur. A slight bit of weight lifted off her shoulders, Azalea hesitantly dialed her husband. She could immediately tell that something was up.

Tony Stark was a good liar. He had to be; there were years of deceiving the press, S.H.I.E.L.D., and really everyone but herself, Pepper, and their family about his own personality. But Azalea wasn't just any person: she knew that when he focused totally on her, something was up. Even when Tony was at his most sincere and serious, unless he was in serious pain, her husband would almost never not be fiddling or tapping on something or another. She liked to joke that he was the most ADHD person that didn't have ADHD she'd ever met. Azalea found it endearing: he was a genius, and it was simply one of his little quirks. 

But when he picked up the mirror, Tony wasn't fidgeting at all, and that made her narrow her eyes and cast a silencing ward around herself in preparation to rant.

What had that idiot genius gotten himself into this time? 

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