The Peregrine

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Azalea was not a happy witch.

 Andromeda had passed around a week ago, and today was the funeral. She was glad that her grandmother/Aunt figure had been happy in her final moments. She had died in her sleep, a smile on her face. Of course, Teddy didn't quite understand why everyone was crying, but he knew he would be living with "Mummy and Daddy" from now on. He was almost eight years old now, though, so she had a feeling he understood a but more than he let on, and wanted to pretend he didn't: if he didn't acknowledge it, he didn't have to think about it.

She had never been more relieved to have Tony, and the Weasleys. She still had SOME family left, even though the Malfoys, (well, Draco and Narcissa) , who she, oddly, got along quite well with, we're her only remaining blood kin.

If that wasn't enough, she had been getting odd emotions through the bond she had with her husband. She knew Tony could take care of himself, the feelings of excitement and determination following another bout of pain she had gotten a few days ago we're a testament to that, but that wasn't to say that she couldn't help out discreetly. Leaving a sleeping Teddy with Mrs. Weasley, promising to be safe, she morphed into her avian form.

Azalea had always been a remarkable witch: even before her magical maturity she had had an animagus form. After her maturity, which occurred at 15, she found that she had at least 3 forms,  the most in recorded history, (not that hers were recorded). After taking up the mantle of Master of Death, her power had only grown, until at this point, she was nearly limitless. Her favorite forms to use were her avian forms and her magical forms. She loved her thestral form, and her Phoenix form, but a Phoenix would be too noticeable, and if she was going to the type of place she thought she would be, they would be able to see her Thestral form, whereas it was usually perfect for spying from the shadows. So she decided on the peregrine falcon. It wasn't too noticeable, was fast enough to dodge if they did notice her, and Tony, who was quite familiar with it, would know it was her.

Leaping into the air, Azalea cast protection and notice me not charms around herself keyed to anyone with malicious intent, and basic health charms. Her tracking charm on her husband showed Afghanistan, so she was lucky that her Phoenix abilities transferred over to her other forms, as did the thestrals. Something about balance, and core animals. She just focused on the pull of the bond, and flame traveled.

Landing outside of the mouth of a cave, she swooped inside, circling a few times among the shadowy rock formations until she spotted her husband and another man, hard at work. Casting a quick translation charm, she rifled through the memories of her husband and his compatriot, gently as to not startled them and ruin the current step in their project, which looked very delicate and possibly volatile. Her avian chest puffed up with anger and indignation for her mate as she felt the phantom pain from some sort of operation, but her eyes twinkled as she found what he was up to. 

Only Tony would create a miniaturized arc reactor for his chest, a flying suit, and find a new enterprise for Stark Industries all in one go. She was proud of him (although she was also proud of her timing: he would have been perfectly save-able at this point and time if he hadn't been a genius and done it himself.)

However, she was absolutely  livid at his captors, a group called the Ten Rings. She was sure the translation charms would be a blessing, although they were smart enough to be careful not to mention their donor: they obviously had their own motives, but they wouldn't have pulled this move off of their own. She could have scanned every one of their minds until she found the one with highest clearance in order to find and scan the boss, but her husband had just finished his armor, and she wanted to help him out of there.

Swooping down, she landed on her husband's shoulder, watching as he jumped, before smiling knowingly at her, ignoring his companion's gasp. When it was time for them to leave, she lunges into the air, Tony following her without hesitation, ignoring the queries from the man behind him; Yinsen, she remembered. Reaching out, she placed her mark upon the souls of the men here. Deities would see it and know not to interfere with their afterlives, for they were hers to punish, and punish she would. No one hurt her Tony and fully got away with it.

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