Beginning a New Chapter

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Azalea Potter-Black ( "Don't call me Izzy"), stood in front of a mirror, fidgeting with her hands. She would chew on her lip, as was her typical reaction when thinking, or stressing, but Fleur would kill her for messing up what little makeup she was wearing. (" You simply don't need it, " she had argued vehemently, "You're absolutely gorgeous, and Tony is your soulmate, he knows you, and he'll love you just as much if not more so without all of that product." )

She was wearing the typical white gown, of course, with a few of her own designs, as she wasn't bad at fashion, and some magical updates.

That's right, it was her wedding day. 

Throughout her entire life, Azalea had worried about her soulmate. Would they accept her? Were they magical? How long would it take her to find them?

Azalea had gone her whole life being a bus and thrust into dangerous situations, so when the name Anthony Stark has appeared on her wrist in scarlet and gold ink, she didn't .hesitate to do everything she could think of to find him. She assumed that Her soulmate was a squib, muggle, or foreign wizard, so it wasn't a surprise to her that he was a muggle that lived in New York City, but it was a surprise to find that he was a billionaire, genius, and a bit of a playboy if the tabloids were to be believed. However, after everything the media had written about her in her life, she had decided to meet the man and decide for herself. He WAS her soulmate after all.

She had made her home in New York City, as that was where he lived, but found that she loved it, so different from the perfect, boring, tidy ness of Surrey, and the quiet, magical isolation of Hogwarts. She had publicized her Ladyships, so she was quite we'll known, in order to meet him easier. At that function, where they touched for the first time, he had taken her breath away. This was a man, so different then any other she had seen. SHe could tell that the statement of him being a genius was very much not an overstatement. When his eyes had met hers, a tingle ran through her body as her soul tugged her towards his. She was discreetly using notice me not charms on the air around her, but he looked right through them and made his way over. She remembered how joyful she had been. He had touched her for the first time, and the words on her wrist gleamed, becoming a matching tattoo on both of theirs. She would look at it later. Right now, she had a date.

She smiled, looking back on his face when she had first told him of magic. At first, he had just stared. Then, he had tried to figure out if it was science, or technology, but eventually he had just accepted it, and her, and she loved him all the more for it. Tony, who had spent his entire life being lonely, who had dropped his playboy ways the second that he found out that she was her soulmate. Tony, who saw her as just Azalea, not "Izzy Potter", not "The Girl-Who-Lived", not the "Woman-Who-Won", just herself. The sarcastic, witty, beautiful, girl, who could keep up with all of his research even after spending years with no technology, who graduated tied for first in her class at Hogwarts with Hermione, and who was an amazing mother figure for her godson Teddy. Who was one of the only people, bar Pepper, (who knew about the marriage), and Rhodey, (who didn't). He loved her, and she loved him.

Azalea looked into the mirror once more, and smiled. She was ready.


Tony waited nervously at the altar. It was a small wedding, but beautiful nonetheless. The Weasley family, a few of the Hogwarts professors, Andromeda and Teddy, and Pepper. He wished that Rhodey could have been here, to be his best man, but he was deployed, and either way, Tony knew that he couldn't be completely trusted not to tell the government. It pained hi,, but he knew it was true. His best friend would know when the time was right.

Pepper, his sister in all but blood, was to be his best woman, Ron, Neville, and Bill the others. They were the ones he got along best with. Dean Thomas would be the last one, as his 'Leah wanted Ginny to be up there as well. Tony had no problems with that: he was just amazed that this perfect woman wanted to marry him. He looked down and smiled at the tattoo that was on his wrist: a red and gold azalea flower, looped around the inside of an infinity symbol. Hermione, Luna, Fleur, and Ginny were to be Azalea's bridesmaids, as Pepper had agreed to stand for him instead. His breath caught as the music started, and the doors opened. Pepper squeezed his hand supportively.

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