Chapter 30

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Dahlia's outfit. Dark purple dress ruffling on skirt small sequences around high neckline large flower design in same dark purple and pale pink.

Alba's POV

It was a sad day for the young Princes' they screamed and pulled on their fathers arms when we all loaded into the car for the plane. Dahlia was wailing the entire time as Mitch and I tried to comfort her we would see them soon but she didn't know that. I was really emotional I felt like a terrible mother taking her away from her friends. Mitch pulled me onto his lap as the back of the car was full of tears both mine and our daughters. I know people might think I'm being stupid right now I'm sorry I can't help it.

It doesn't get any better once on the plane I calm down when Mitch kisses my mark but our princess doesn't. We place her in her seat until the seatbelt sign can go off Dahlia is between both of us Mitch kisses her head and she slowly calms down and goes to sleep exhausted from her crying. We lean our heads back, look at each other and exhale a breath. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep as well, I've learnt when Dahlia sleeps it's best I nap too.

I took Dahlia to the small stall in the planes bathroom and changed her and dressed her for home I sat on the toilet seat and nursed her. Once she fed I winded her whilst walking to our seats. I placed her in her seat strapped her in and took my wash bag into the bathroom brushed my teeth, brushed my hair to try and look a little better I need a shower I hate overnight flights now I feel disgusting. I meet Mitch on his way to do the same thing as me I gave him a quick kiss as he smiled down to me I took my seat at the window Dahlia sat on my left between her daddy and me. I looked out the window enjoying the scenery as we slowly passed. The pilot said we'd be landing soon, Mitch took his seat and buckled up. I hate doing this but I woke my little baby up when I placed the ear plugs in her ears she moved her head side to side to try and get me away but eventually I got them in before our descent.
Once we landed finally home I removed the ear plugs from Dahlia she never made a peep so they helped her which is all I wanted.

Once home my mum and Carla were first to take Dahlia for kisses thanks guys I guess you didn't miss us but Karina found me with another portrait oh yes Auroras portrait Mitch knew the drill he went to get his drill. We walked up to the gallery my parents wanted Dahlia so I let them have her. She took the towel off the painting OMG "wow you've got so much detail in I've only seen Aurora once but you've surpassed my memory of her this doesn't sound as Aww inspiring as I want to say but she's magnificent Karina I love her. What an Artist we have in the family." I said that as I pulled her to my side for a side hug.

We had lunch with Karina as I caught up on what was happening in school, I told her my suspicions of the two young Princes' being Dahlia's mate I also informed her how Dahlia was weeping every time they left of course cue the Awws. Karina agreed with me Mitch fiercely growled. "Never going to happen over my dead body not my baby princess never she'll be a nun till I'm dead." Karina and I looked at him horrified. "I hate to tell you, mate if they are her mates the more you force them apart the quicker they'll be together, and that's not fair if fate has fated them then who are we, I mean you to question it now go upstairs and do Alpha work. And stop talking about her being a nun I want grandkids eventually and I won't get any if I leave you in charge." He grumbled out a few curses and stomped upstairs like a tantrum toddler.

Karina and I hung out with Bethany we filled her in and like us she squealed jumping up and down at the possibility of course if they're not then we look like absolute idiots right now but fingers crossed they all are even if Mitch forbids it we have a movie marathon to Harry Potter we get to the Prisoner of Azkaban and I leave to be a mum again.

My mum, myself and Dahlia and Bethany all went to look at wedding dresses. After I tried several different styles I settled on a fishtail style dress it's a spaghetti strap lace dress. After we get the bridesmaid dresses and the flower girl dress we are done and Dahlia is passed herself she's overtired crying so instead of going out for dinner like we planned we went home and Marie had cooked steak cheeseburgers. OMG Marie has a gift is there anything she can't cook. I go upstairs to Dahlia's nursery I feed her and change her I sit on my rocking chair as I cradle her in my arms, I kiss her little head. "Mummy loves you baby girl, you are my world baby I love you." She was asleep I stood up and silently and carefully placed her in her cot (crib.)

Once I showered I dried myself as Mitch came into the bathroom and ogled me for a while I shrugged I'm used to him doing this now I brush, floss and rinse my mouth out as I brush and dry my hair I put on my nude lace two pice pjs on and jump into bed, as Mitch scoops me into his chest and we fall asleep or until Dahlia wakes us up. I feel Mitch kiss my forehead before I'm out.

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