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Alba's outfit once she shifts back to her human form. Long red halter neck dress with two long slits that go to mid-thigh.

Alba's POV

When I was a little girl my parents would tell me stories of a mystical Phoenix and how she was meant to do great things. Every night either my mother or father would tell me that story.
Like most young werewolves I couldn't wait to get my wolf I was excited so were my parents my father is Beta (second in command) he will step down soon as Dillon is our future Alpha and Marc will be his Beta. When my birthday came my girlfriends all came over I was a month older than Beatrice and Sally and Ronda were younger still they were almost sixteen.


"Hey Alba the party can start now." She laughed and shook her head when she stepped to the side to let us through the door. Today's the day her parents Colin and Hazel were in the kitchen preparing for her last meal without her wolf. I can't wait to see what she looks like. Alba has always been a caring person, she plays with all the pups I don't know why I don't like pups they're gross but she is who she is.

Alba's POV

After everyone eats we sit on the sofa and wait till the clock strikes 11:03pm the exact time of my birth, is when I will shift, I'm starting to get more and more nervous, I clasp my hands on my lap and rub them together another five minutes left my dad says we should head out to the forest behind our house for my shift, the whole pack has gathered. I notice my mum bitting her nail she never does that unless she's hiding something, I look to my dad he immediately avoids my eyes, strange what's with them. Maybe they're nervous for me but don't want to ruin my excitement. As we head to the training area that's were all young werewolf's go to shift, I'm not looking forward to the pain I'm a bit of a woose to be honest don't judge, I know I'm a Betas daughter I shouldn't be afraid but I'm terrified the excitement I had has now completely disappeared.
Crap it begins I feel my back is on fire everyone's voice blurs I hear flapping like of wings that's odd and a sweet voice comes over me. I can hear the people around me gasp and take steps back away from me. My eyes feel like they're about to explode I let out an ear piercing scream something is protruding out my spine, I don't ever remember dad mentioning this part. Hello sweet Alba it's so good to finally be free. "Who are you? Where are you? What are you?" She laughs sweetly. Do not fret Alba I'm your spirit I'm a Phoenix my name is Aurora I was there on your birth and I will always be with you. You have more strength than you know, I am part of you as you are part of me not matter what people think you are special and nobody should say otherwise. I could feel her rage in me I looked at myself I was on fire I realised I was not wolf nor in my human form I started to panic. No no calm don't sweetie I won't hurt you this is us who we are and who we will always be I will help guide you. Alba all you need to do is focus not just on your human self but to think calmly relax you will be Alba again I promise you.
Focussing I did what she said when I shifted back to my human form I was surprised most werewolves shift back naked but I was in a body hugging red halter dress down to my ankles with two slits up both of my legs. Every time you shift back you will be wearing this gown.

Mitch's POV

I head to my office I need piece and quiet mum keeps trying to palm my little brother Ric (Richard) 3 yrs old. On me I'm an Alpha I have things to do why can't she get Karina my younger sister to look after him she's 16 years old just got her wolf 2weeks ago she's a black wolf, white tip on her nose left hind leg has a white sock. I escape to my house and jog upstairs to my office. I shut the door and get to work organise meetings with other packs, as Alpha of the Mistique West Pack it's my job to organise transfers from other packs to those who have recently found they're mates, once that is done Marie my cook brings me up lunch as I go over the piece treaties I have scheduled to meet up with the Alpha of the Crested Dew Pack in a week from today. I decide to let my wolf Koto out he's been cramped up in the office all day. I decide to help my Beta Ross with border patrol to be honest I'll do anything to get out of the office besides it's just paperwork I'll do it before bed.

I head into the forest and allow Koto to come forward he soon takes over, I don't feel the pain anymore I shift a lot so I no longer feel it. Finally I thought you'd never get outta there human. I roll my eyes "Koto just shut up and run already I don't want another boring monologue." He huffs and takes off he easily tracks down Beta Ross's scent. Koto is six foot in wolf form I'm 6ft5 my Beta Ross is about 6ft2 and his wolf is 4 inches smaller than Koto. Ross's wolf Rankin is an auburn wolf with a white pelt and a white left hind sock.
"What's the status Rankin" "no movement Alpha boarders are clear no sign of any threat." I nod and run around the perimeter to let Koto have a good time we begin our hunt, I spot a large stag surrounded with its harem of females. I'm hungry I prefer the stag. I crouch low to the ground and crawl up till I'm half a foot away, it has it's back to me and has his head down eating some grass the the wind shifts and it picks up the scent of a predictor before he has a chance I'm on him I sink my canines into his thick neck and bring him down with my muscle weight. I soon feast on my prize. I make sure to leave only the bones I don't want to attract any Rogues to my territory, I lick my chops and run off to where I stashed my clothes with Koto completely satisfied I head to my games room, play Call of Duty.

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