Chapter 27

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Dahlia's Leaving outfit on the left when they arrive at the palace the outfit on the right.
left Dahlia's dress white with pink petals on their green leaves. Right Dahlia's arriving dress dark grey with large Russian pink polka dots.

Alba's POV

I can't believe it Dahlia's a week old today the time flies by and we were packing up Dahlia essentials nappies mainly can never have too many of them I brought several dresses and outfits because as we all know sometimes you need a few spare changes of clothes when it comes to baby's we had already packed for ourselves two days ago. This was our first trip with Dahlia so I maybe packed more than I needed. But better to be over prepared than under prepared right.

Our mums cried when we left for the airport they also had grown attached to seeing Dahlia everyday for cuddles, I rolled my eyes till my mother scolded me, oh come on I was the one who had just had a baby wasn't I supposed to be more emotional then again why should I I'm going with my little girl. Mitch had everything on the plain our luggage, baby pram, mosses basket nappy bag etc... I refused to let Mitch carry her car seat it was very heavy mind you but I will carry Dahlia into the plane if it's the last thing I do, success I hauled the car seat onto the plane seat and was given a different seatbelt to hook around the car seat. Once I made sure Dahlia would be safe and secure I sat down next to her as Mitch brought down the nappy bag leaving it on the floor for me once we were buckled in shortly after we took off I put earplugs in Dahlia's ears I don't know if they'll help her with the ascent into the air I hope they will I also gave her some Calpol before getting on so hopefully her ears won't hurt too much.

After the pilot turned off the seatbelt sign I was relaxing until princess decided she needed changed. I got up placed the bag on my seat and unhooked Dahlia from hers comforting her as I grabbed the bag and walked past Mitch who looked up from his laptop smiling at us. Once the small bathroom stall door shut I began to clean her up now she's all clean I cradled her in my arms as I walked back to my chair gently placing Dahlia back in hers strapping her back in before sitting down myself. "You ok love." Mitch looked over. "Yeah I'll be better when the flights over." He kissed my cheek and put away his laptop I took a nap. I felt like I only just went to sleep when Dahlia woke me up for a feed. Once her hunger was satisfied and she was winded I needed to change her and I'll change her dress saying as we're about 2-3hours left before landing. When I had Dahlia in her new grey and pink poko dot dress I gave her to her father for cuddle time whilst I grabbed my clothes and changed in the stall ready to meet the Royals again.

Once we land Mitch takes all our stuff from the plane. I carry Dahlia out and Mitch takes her from me as I get into my seat next to Dahlia whereas Mitch sits in the front seat with the driver. After the few miles we drove we arrived and the palaces Butler Eric greeted us and helped us in with Dahlia's stuff. Mitch came and took the car seat out I cradled Dahlia heading to the nearest bathroom to change her I then fed her I knew Mitch was waiting outside the door for us. I brought her out with her carefully on my shoulder to try and get her wind up. Once she was winded I carefully gave her to Mitch who was happy to take his little princess and beamed at her as he cradled her in his arms.
The Queen rushed out to greet us I smiled as she hugged me I hugged her back I could see she wasn't sleeping all to well even though her makeup covered a lot. I gave her a sad smile. "None of that Luna Alba I've cried enough, thank you for bringing this little cutie all the way here, may I have a hold." "Of course your majesty" Mitch carefully gave Dahlia over to the Queen, Dahlia made a cute yawn when the Queen cradled her she cooed over Dahlia. "I miss them when they were this small trust me it will go by quickly Luna." "I know your majesty I can't believe she's already a week old, it just flew by." Mitch took my hand and we followed the Queen to the north wing the young princes are just leaving their English lesson they are very bright for four year olds this is Lord Don my brother and the Prince's father." Mitch bowed and I curtsied as he waved off our formal greeting and shook our hands his smile held pain, from the loss that can only be from losing ones mate. We were shown into a large plush siting room, the Queen regretfully carefully handed me back Dahlia whilst she went to get the twin Princes we talked causally to Lord Don he informed his mate died from rogues protecting the pups from his pack. She died a hero we gave him our condolences.

Then two adorable identical little boys entered the room one was about an inch taller than the other but that was all the difference I saw between them. They both had their fathers hair and face. They stood together and treated us formally when they began to speak Dahlia woke up and looked around her trying to find the source of the voices. She never did that even with her uncle Richard nothing ever interrupted her sleep unless it was for food or a change. The twins also were keen to see Dahlia. I sat on the sofa so they could see her better. "Would you like to hold her boys." They nodded enthusiastically their father looked surprised at their eagerness. "The boys usually don't care for babies this is a surprise." Dahlia looked carefully at each one and frowned a little she's never met twins and was probably confused why two people could look the same. "What are your names young princes?" The taller one didn't look up to me as he answered he smiled at Dahlia "I'm Logan." The smaller one stroked Dahlia's head "and I'm Darius she's so beautiful." I smiled adoring the boys they really did like Dahlia and she never took her little eyes off them. I wonder have mates ever met this young were they mates of course they could just like her for being a baby but then their father said they didn't really have much interest in babies before. I'm reading too much into this. "Can I hold her Luna?" I was surprised at his politeness but he's training to be King so why was that hard for me realise. "Of course hold out your arms like mine" once he had his arms in the correct the position I carefully placed Dahlia in his arms placing a cushion under his arms to help him. Logan leaned over and took her small chubby hand and Dahlia clung onto his finger. Logan and Darius looked smitten all the adults in the room had the same look. Could they be mates.
Darius and Logan wanted to be around Dahlia and helped me look after her their father was happy I was here I guess because they missed their mother. They kissed Dahlia in her head as they left for their archery 🏹 lesson. We watched as they did fantastic, I certainly couldn't do that got two arrows in the blue. Logan got one in the red circle. After another three tries they both hit the gold target, I cheered for them as they left their bows and arrows into their boxes and ran back over to us smiling. "That was amazing Logan and Darius such experts I wouldn't even be able to hold the bow correctly." They beamed at my praise. "Why don't we go inside and you can help me decide what dress to put Dahlia into ok." They each took a side of me and looked up to Dahlia in my arms who was fast asleep, about to get a wake up call for a change.

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