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I felt my feet touch the ground, my body present but my mind a thousand miles away.

Would I see them again...?

My friends....

I then think if Liz, happy to finally have her whole family back. I thought of her racing through the door with him in her arms, her parents hugging the two with complete joy.

I did the right thing

I know I did...

"Are you alright my darling~?" I hear Guia's voice bring me back to reality, his face contorted in an expression of worry.

I come to my senses, and give him a small reassuring smile,"yes" I tell him.

He looked unconvinced, and takes slow steps towards me. He holds my face with his large hands, tilting my head up to look into his unique eyes.

"Come" he says,"I want to show you something".

He steps out of my view, which allowed me to gaze upon a large, gloom-themed mansion.

He steps out of my view, which allowed me to gaze upon a large, gloom-themed mansion

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"Where are we?" I ask curiously," this isn't the lair".

"Aren't you smart~?" He says sarcastically, Rollins his eyes," you insignificant little girl, it's  our home".

"Our home?" I question," you mean your home"

"No" he grumbles," our home, remember?"

He holds up his hand, pointing to his ring finger.

"Oh" I gasp," right, sorry".

He sighs,crossing his arms," well? What do you think?"

"I-I love it!" I tell him truthfully, " I love it a lot, it's really cool"

"Why thank you" he smiles," I made sure to tone down the spookiness so that you wouldn't feel scared".

I nod, then hold out my hand shyly,"s-shall we?"

He grins, seeming genuinely happy from my small gesture.

"We shall!" He beams, taking my hand and leading me inside.

He began giving me a tour of the mansion, while I silently listened in awe. The building had a sort of Victorian charm to it, which I found very beautiful.

He led me down the long hallway in the second floor, stopping at a door. "I felt that you might not like the gloomy touch to the place" he explains," so I made a normal room just for you".

He opens the door, and I look inside curiously.

He opens the door, and I look inside curiously

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Wow~" I gasp," Guia it looks amazing!"

I look around, my eyes wandering all over the place," it's so pretty!" I yell with excitement, jumping on the bed.

Guia stood at the doorway, watching my reaction with a smile.

I jump off, making my way up to him,"what else?" I ask, wanting to know more about the mansion.

He then continued the tour, showing me the rest of the building.

My heart then stopped when I realized that Guia never told me when we would get married.

"Guia...?" I call to him in a meek voice

He looks at me,"yes darling?" He responds

"When are we getting married?" I ask him curiously, my hands tightly gripping the ends of my shirt anxiously.

"Why tomorrow of course" he says happily


"Tomorrow!" I yell," woah woah wait that's way to early!"

"Then what do you suggest?" He asks, crossing his arms with an aggravated look.

"Umm...." I think for a second," I don't know, maybe like a year or two?"

"Absolutely not!" He bursts angrily," no way man! The wedding is tomorrow and that's final!"

"You can't make all the rules" I explain to him,
"Don't I have a say?"

"No you don't" he replies stubbornly

"I'm not marrying you tomorrow Guia" I tell him, putting my foot down.

He growls deeply in frustration, "watch.your.tongue girl~" he snarls

I had enough, stepping forward so our faces were inches apart,"make me~" I growl back, no longer held back by fear.

"That's it!" He yells," either you marry me tomorrow or I take Jacob and Kevin back!"

"You can't do that!" I gasp

"Wanna bet?" He challenges me," say the word Morgan, and it'll be done, go on I dare you"

I fell silent, the last thing I wanted was for those kids to be stolen again.

I close my eyes, letting out a sigh

"Fine" I sigh, shaking my head in defeat," I'll marry tomorrow..."

I turn around, making my way towards my room.

"Morgan..." I hear him call out to me, standing in front of me and grasping my shoulders.

I stood there silently, watching as his eyes searched mine for something to say.

"I-I..." he stutters for a bit, then lets out a defeated sigh," alright~".

I tilt my head in confusion," alright what?" I ask

"We don't have to get married tomorrow" he says," happy?"

I smile, nodding my head in response before giving him a tight hug," thank you Guia~" I whisper, feeling him hug me back.

"Of course" he says," I would hate to see my little girl sad".

~ My Darling Girl~ (The Grand Guignol x OC/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now